5 Soil chemical and physical properties
You are reading the work-in-progress An Open Compendium of Soil Sample and Soil Profile Datasets. This chapter is currently draft version, a peer-review publication is pending. You can find the polished first edition at https://opengeohub.github.io/SoilSamples/.
Last update: 2023-05-10
5.1 Overview
This section describes import steps used to produce a global compilation of soil laboratory data with chemical (and physical) soil properties that can be then used for predictive soil mapping / modeling at global and regional scales.
Read more about soil chemical properties, global soil profile and sample data sets and functionality:
- Arrouays, D., Leenaars, J. G., Richer-de-Forges, A. C., Adhikari, K., Ballabio, C., Greve, M., … & Heuvelink, G. (2017). Soil legacy data rescue via GlobalSoilMap and other international and national initiatives. GeoResJ, 14, 1-19.
- Batjes, N. H., Ribeiro, E., van Oostrum, A., Leenaars, J., Hengl, T., & de Jesus, J. M. (2017). WoSIS: providing standardised soil profile data for the world. Earth System Science Data, 9(1), 1.
- Hengl, T., MacMillan, R.A., (2019). Predictive Soil Mapping with R. OpenGeoHub foundation, Wageningen, the Netherlands, 370 pages, www.soilmapper.org, ISBN: 978-0-359-30635-0.
- Rossiter, D.G.,: Compendium of Soil Geographical Databases.
Specifications Data standards
- Metadata information: “Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 42.” and “Soil Survey Investigation Report No. 45.”,
- Model DB: National Cooperative Soil Survey (NCSS) Soil Characterization Database, Target variables:
site.names = c("site_key", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees",
hor.names = c("labsampnum","site_key","layer_sequence","hzn_top","hzn_bot",
"hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa",
"oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2",
"cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext",
"na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
## target structure:
col.names = c("site_key", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees",
"latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top",
"hzn_bot","hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa",
"sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o",
"ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext",
"mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre", "source_db",
"confidence_degree", "project_url", "citation_url")
Targe variables listed:
: Clay, Total in % wt for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Silt, Total in % wt for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Sand, Total in % wt for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Carbon, Organic in g/kg for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Soil organic carbon density in kg/m3, -
: Carbon, Total in g/kg for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Nitrogen, Total NCS in g/kg for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: pH, KCl Suspension for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: pH, 1:1 Soil-Water Suspension for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: pH, CaCl2 Suspension for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Cation Exchange Capacity, Summary, in cmol(+)/kg for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Cation Exchange Capacity, NH4 prep, in cmol(+)/kg for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Cation Exchange Capacity, Effective, CMS derived value default, standa prep in cmol(+)/kg for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Coarse fragments in % wt for >2 mm soil fraction, -
: Bulk density (Oven Dry) in g/cm3 (4A1h), -
: Calcium, Extractable in mg/kg for <2 mm soil fraction (usually Mehlich3), -
: Magnesium, Extractable in mg/kg for <2 mm soil fraction (usually Mehlich3), -
: Sodium, Extractable in mg/kg for <2 mm soil fraction (usually Mehlich3), -
: Potassium, Extractable in mg/kg for <2 mm soil fraction (usually Mehlich3), -
: Electrical Conductivity, Saturation Extract in dS/m for <2 mm soil fraction, -
: Electrical Conductivity, Predict, 1:2 (w/w) in dS/m for <2 mm soil fraction,
Data import National Cooperative Soil Survey Characterization Database
- National Cooperative Soil Survey, (2020). National Cooperative Soil Survey Characterization Database. Data download URL: http://ncsslabdatamart.sc.egov.usda.gov/
- O’Geen, A., Walkinshaw, M., & Beaudette, D. (2017). SoilWeb: A multifaceted interface to soil survey information. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 81(4), 853-862. https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2016.11.0386n
This data set is continuously updated.
ncss.site <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_Site_Location.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncss.layer <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_Layer.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncss.bdm <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_Bulk_Density_and_Moisture.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## multiple measurements
ncss.bdm.0 <- ncss.bdm[ncss.bdm$prep_code=="S",]
## 0 BD values --- error!
ncss.carb <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_Carbon_and_Extractions.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncss.organic <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_Organic.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncss.pH <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_pH_and_Carbonates.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncss.PSDA <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_PSDA_and_Rock_Fragments.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncss.CEC <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_CEC_and_Bases.csv")
ncss.salt <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/USDA_NCSS/NCSS_Salt.csv")
ncss.horizons <- plyr::join_all(list(ncss.bdm.0, ncss.layer, ncss.carb, ncss.organic[,c("labsampnum", "result_source_key", "c_tot", "n_tot", "db_od", "oc")], ncss.pH, ncss.PSDA, ncss.CEC, ncss.salt), type = "full", by="labsampnum")
ncss.horizons$oc_d = signif(ncss.horizons$oc / 100 * ncss.horizons$db_od * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(ncss.horizons$wpg2), 0, ncss.horizons$wpg2))/100, 3)
ncss.horizons$ca_ext = signif(ncss.horizons$ca_nh4 * 200, 4)
ncss.horizons$mg_ext = signif(ncss.horizons$mg_nh4 * 121, 3)
ncss.horizons$na_ext = signif(ncss.horizons$na_nh4 * 230, 3)
ncss.horizons$k_ext = signif(ncss.horizons$k_nh4 * 391, 3)
## Values <0!!
chemsprops.NCSS = plyr::join(ncss.site[,site.names], ncss.horizons[,hor.names], by="site_key")
chemsprops.NCSS$site_obsdate = format(as.Date(chemsprops.NCSS$site_obsdate, format="%m/%d/%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
chemsprops.NCSS$source_db = "USDA_NCSS"
chemsprops.NCSS$oc = chemsprops.NCSS$oc * 10
chemsprops.NCSS$n_tot = chemsprops.NCSS$n_tot * 10
#hist(log1p(chemsprops.NCSS$oc), breaks=45, col="gray")
chemsprops.NCSS$confidence_degree = 1
chemsprops.NCSS$project_url = "http://ncsslabdatamart.sc.egov.usda.gov/"
chemsprops.NCSS$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.2136/sssaj2016.11.0386n"
chemsprops.NCSS = complete.vars(chemsprops.NCSS, sel=c("tex_psda","oc","clay_tot_psa","ecec","ph_h2o","ec_12pre","k_ext"))
#> [1] 136011 36
## texture classes need to be cleaned-up
#> c C cl CL
#> 2391 10908 19 10158 5
#> cos CoS COS cosl CoSL
#> 2424 6 4 4543 2
#> Fine Sandy Loam fs fsl FSL l
#> 1 2357 10701 16 17038
#> L lcos LCoS lfs ls
#> 2 2933 3 1805 3166
#> LS lvfs s S sc
#> 1 152 2958 1 601
#> scl SCL si sic SiC
#> 5456 5 854 7123 11
#> sicl SiCL sil SiL SIL
#> 13718 14 22230 4 28
#> sl SL vfs vfsl VFSL
#> 5547 13 64 2678 3
#> NA's
#> 6068 Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA)
- Soil Survey Staff. Rapid Carbon Assessment (RaCA) project. United States Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. Available online. June 1, 2013 (FY2013 official release). Data download URL: https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/detailfull/soils/research/?cid=nrcs142p2_054164
- Note: Locations of each site have been degraded due to confidentiality and only reflect the general position of each site.
- Wills, S. et al. (2013) “Rapid carbon assessment (RaCA) methodology: Sampling and Initial Summary. United States Department of Agriculture.” Natural Resources Conservation Service, National Soil Survey Center.
raca.df <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/RaCA/RaCa_general_location.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(raca.df)[1] = "rcasiteid"
raca.layer <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/RaCA/RaCA_samples_JULY2016.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
raca.layer$longitude_decimal_degrees = plyr::join(raca.layer["rcasiteid"], raca.df, match ="first")$Gen_long
raca.layer$latitude_decimal_degrees = plyr::join(raca.layer["rcasiteid"], raca.df, match ="first")$Gen_lat
raca.layer$site_obsdate = "2013"
#plot(raca.layer[!duplicated(raca.layer$rcasiteid),c("longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees")])
## some strange groupings around small values
raca.layer$oc_d = signif(raca.layer$Calc_SOC / 100 * raca.layer$Bulkdensity * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(raca.layer$fragvolc), 0, raca.layer$fragvolc))/100, 3)
raca.layer$oc = raca.layer$Calc_SOC * 10
raca.h.lst <- c("rcasiteid", "lay_field_label1", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "Lab.Sample.No", "layer_Number", "TOP", "BOT", "hzname", "texture", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot_ncs", "n_tot_ncs", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "fragvolc", "Bulkdensity", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = raca.h.lst[which(!raca.h.lst %in% names(raca.layer))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ raca.layer[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.RaCA = raca.layer[,raca.h.lst]
chemsprops.RaCA$source_db = "RaCA2016"
chemsprops.RaCA$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.RaCA$project_url = "https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/survey/raca/"
chemsprops.RaCA$citation_url = "https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/nrcs142p2_052841.pdf"
chemsprops.RaCA = complete.vars(chemsprops.RaCA, sel = c("oc", "fragvolc"))
#> Joining by: rcasiteid
#> Joining by: rcasiteid
#> [1] 53664 36 National Geochemical Database Soil
- Smith, D.B., Cannon, W.F., Woodruff, L.G., Solano, Federico, Kilburn, J.E., and Fey, D.L., (2013). Geochemical and mineralogical data for soils of the conterminous United States. U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 801, 19 p., http://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/801/.
- Grossman, J. N. (2004). The National Geochemical Survey-database and documentation. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2004-1001. DOI:10.3133/ofr20041001.
- Note: NGS focuses on stream-sediment samples, but also contains many soil samples.
ngs.points <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/geochemical/ds-801-csv/site.txt", sep=",")
## 4857 pnts
ngs.layers <- lapply(c("top5cm.txt", "ahorizon.txt", "chorizon.txt"), function(i){read.csv(paste0("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/geochemical/ds-801-csv/", i), sep=",")})
ngs.layers = plyr::rbind.fill(ngs.layers)
# 14571 126
#lattice::xyplot(c_org_pct ~ c_tot_pct, ngs.layers, scales=list(x = list(log = 2), y = list(log = 2)))
#lattice::xyplot(c_org_pct ~ tot_clay_pct, ngs.layers, scales=list(y = list(log = 2)))
ngs.layers$c_tot = ngs.layers$c_tot_pct * 10
ngs.layers$oc = ngs.layers$c_org_pct * 10
ngs.layers$hzn_top = sapply(ngs.layers$depth_cm, function(i){strsplit(i, "-")[[1]][1]})
ngs.layers$hzn_bot = sapply(ngs.layers$depth_cm, function(i){strsplit(i, "-")[[1]][2]})
#summary(ngs.layers$k_pct) ## very high numbers?
## question is if the geochemical element results are compatible with e.g. k_ext?
t.ngs = c("lab_id", "site_id", "horizon", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "tot_clay_pct", "c_tot", "oc")
ngs.m = plyr::join(ngs.points, ngs.layers[!is.na(ngs.layers$c_org_pct),t.ngs])
ngs.m$site_obsdate = as.Date(ngs.m$colldate, format="%Y-%m-%d")
ngs.h.lst <- c("site_id", "quad", "site_obsdate", "longitude", "latitude", "lab_id", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "horizon", "tex_psda", "tot_clay_pct", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = ngs.h.lst[which(!ngs.h.lst %in% names(ngs.m))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ ngs.m[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.USGS.NGS = ngs.m[,ngs.h.lst]
chemsprops.USGS.NGS$source_db = "USGS.NGS"
chemsprops.USGS.NGS$confidence_degree = 1
chemsprops.USGS.NGS$project_url = "https://mrdata.usgs.gov/ds-801/"
chemsprops.USGS.NGS$citation_url = "https://pubs.usgs.gov/ds/801/"
chemsprops.USGS.NGS = complete.vars(chemsprops.USGS.NGS, sel = c("tot_clay_pct", "oc"), coords = c("longitude", "latitude"))
#> [1] 9446 36 Forest Inventory and Analysis Database (FIADB)
- Domke, G. M., Perry, C. H., Walters, B. F., Nave, L. E., Woodall, C. W., & Swanston, C. W. (2017). Toward inventory‐based estimates of soil organic carbon in forests of the United States. Ecological Applications, 27(4), 1223-1235. https://doi.org/10.1002/eap.1516
- Forest Inventory and Analysis, (2014). The Forest Inventory and Analysis Database: Database description and user guide version 6.0.1 for Phase 3. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service. 182 p. [Online]. Available: https://www.fia.fs.fed.us/library/database-documentation/
- Note: samples are taken only from the top-soil either 0–10.16 cm or 10.16–20.32 cm.
fia.loc <- vroom::vroom("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/FIADB/ENTIRE/PLOT.csv")
fia.loc$site_id = paste(fia.loc$STATECD, fia.loc$COUNTYCD, fia.loc$PLOT, sep="_")
fia.lab <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/FIADB/ENTIRE/SOILS_LAB.csv")
fia.lab$site_id = paste(fia.lab$STATECD, fia.lab$COUNTYCD, fia.lab$PLOT, sep="_")
## 23,765 rows
fia.des <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/FIADB/ENTIRE/SOILS_SAMPLE_LOC.csv")
fia.des$site_id = paste(fia.des$STATECD, fia.des$COUNTYCD, fia.des$PLOT, sep="_")
#fia.lab$TXTRLYR1 = plyr::join(fia.lab[c("site_id","INVYR")], fia.des[c("site_id","TXTRLYR1","INVYR")], match ="first")$TXTRLYR1
fia.lab$TXTRLYR2 = plyr::join(fia.lab[c("site_id","INVYR")], fia.des[c("site_id","TXTRLYR2","INVYR")], match ="first")$TXTRLYR2
fia.lab$tex_psda = factor(fia.lab$TXTRLYR2, labels = c("Organic", "Loamy", "Clayey", "Sandy", "Coarse sand", "Not measured"))
#Code Description
# 0 Organic.
# 1 Loamy.
# 2 Clayey.
# 3 Sandy.
# 4 Coarse sand.
# 9 Not measured - make plot notes
fia.lab$FORFLTHK = plyr::join(fia.lab[c("site_id","INVYR")], fia.des[c("site_id","FORFLTHK","INVYR")], match ="first")$FORFLTHK
fia.lab$LTRLRTHK = plyr::join(fia.lab[c("site_id","INVYR")], fia.des[c("site_id","LTRLRTHK","INVYR")], match ="first")$LTRLRTHK
fia.lab$tot_thk = rowSums(fia.lab[,c("FORFLTHK", "LTRLRTHK")], na.rm=TRUE)
fia.lab$DPTHSBSL = plyr::join(fia.lab[c("site_id","INVYR")], fia.des[c("site_id","DPTHSBSL","INVYR")], match ="first")$DPTHSBSL
sel.fia = fia.loc$site_id %in% fia.lab$site_id
# 15,109
fia.loc = fia.loc[sel.fia, c("site_id", "LON", "LAT")]
#summary(fia.lab$BULK_DENSITY) ## some strange values for BD!
#quantile(fia.lab$BULK_DENSITY, c(0.02, 0.98), na.rm=TRUE)
#lattice::xyplot(BULK_DENSITY ~ C_ORG_PCT, fia.lab, scales=list(x = list(log = 2)))
# 14571 126
fia.lab$c_tot = fia.lab$C_ORG_PCT * 10
fia.lab$oc = fia.lab$C_TOTAL_PCT * 10
fia.lab$n_tot = fia.lab$N_TOTAL_PCT * 10
fia.lab$db_od = ifelse(fia.lab$BULK_DENSITY < 0.001 | fia.lab$BULK_DENSITY > 1.8, NA, fia.lab$BULK_DENSITY)
#lattice::xyplot(db_od ~ C_ORG_PCT, fia.lab, par.settings = list(plot.symbol = list(col=scales::alpha("black", 0.6), fill=scales::alpha("red", 0.6), pch=21, cex=0.6)), scales = list(x=list(log=TRUE, equispaced.log=FALSE)), ylab="Bulk density", xlab="SOC wpct")
#hist(fia.lab$db_od, breaks=45)
## A lot of very small BD measurements
fia.lab$oc_d = signif(fia.lab$oc / 100 * fia.lab$db_od * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(fia.lab$COARSE_FRACTION_PCT), 0, fia.lab$COARSE_FRACTION_PCT))/100, 3)
#hist(fia.lab$oc_d, breaks=45, col="grey")
fia.lab$hzn_top = ifelse(fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="FF_TOTAL" | fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="L_ORG", 0, NA)
fia.lab$hzn_bot = ifelse(fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="FF_TOTAL" | fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="L_ORG", fia.lab$tot_thk, NA)
fia.lab$hzn_top = ifelse(is.na(fia.lab$hzn_top) & (fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="MIN_2" | fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="ORG_2"), 10.2 + fia.lab$tot_thk, fia.lab$hzn_top)
fia.lab$hzn_bot = ifelse(is.na(fia.lab$hzn_bot) & (fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="MIN_2" | fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="ORG_2"), 20.3 + fia.lab$tot_thk, fia.lab$hzn_bot)
fia.lab$hzn_top = ifelse(is.na(fia.lab$hzn_top) & (fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="MIN_1" | fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="ORG_1"), 0 + fia.lab$tot_thk, fia.lab$hzn_top)
fia.lab$hzn_bot = ifelse(is.na(fia.lab$hzn_bot) & (fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="MIN_1" | fia.lab$LAYER_TYPE=="ORG_1"), 10.2 + fia.lab$tot_thk, fia.lab$hzn_bot)
#summary(fia.lab$EXCHNG_K) ## Negative values!
fia.m = plyr::join(fia.lab, fia.loc)
#fia.m = fia.m[!duplicated(as.factor(paste(fia.m$site_id, fia.m$INVYR, fia.m$LAYER_TYPE, sep="_"))),]
fia.m$site_obsdate = as.Date(fia.m$SAMPLE_DATE, format="%Y-%m-%d")
sel.d.fia = fia.m$site_obsdate < as.Date("1980-01-01", format="%Y-%m-%d")
fia.m$site_obsdate[which(sel.d.fia)] = NA
#hist(fia.m$site_obsdate, breaks=25)
fia.h.lst <- c("site_id", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "LON", "LAT", "SAMPLE_ID", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "LAYER_TYPE", "tex_psda", "tot_clay_pct", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "PH_H2O", "PH_CACL2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ECEC", "COARSE_FRACTION_PCT", "db_od", "EXCHNG_CA", "EXCHNG_MG", "EXCHNG_NA", "EXCHNG_K", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = fia.h.lst[which(!fia.h.lst %in% names(fia.m))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ fia.m[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.FIADB = fia.m[,fia.h.lst]
chemsprops.FIADB$source_db = "FIADB"
chemsprops.FIADB$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.FIADB$project_url = "http://www.fia.fs.fed.us/"
chemsprops.FIADB$citation_url = "https://www.fia.fs.fed.us/library/database-documentation/"
chemsprops.FIADB = complete.vars(chemsprops.FIADB, sel = c("PH_H2O", "oc", "EXCHNG_K"), coords = c("LON", "LAT"))
#str(unique(paste(chemsprops.FIADB$LON, chemsprops.FIADB$LAT, sep="_")))
#> [1] 23208 36
#write.csv(chemsprops.FIADB, "/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/FIADB/fiadb_soil.pnts.csv") Africa soil profiles database
- Leenaars, J. G., Van Oostrum, A. J. M., & Ruiperez Gonzalez, M. (2014). Africa soil profiles database version 1.2. A compilation of georeferenced and standardized legacy soil profile data for Sub-Saharan Africa (with dataset). Wageningen: ISRIC Report 2014/01; 2014. Data download URL: https://data.isric.org/
afspdb.profiles <- read.dbf("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/AF/AfSIS_SPDB/AfSP012Qry_Profiles.dbf", as.is=TRUE)
afspdb.layers <- read.dbf("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/AF/AfSIS_SPDB/AfSP012Qry_Layers.dbf", as.is=TRUE)
afspdb.s.lst <- c("ProfileID", "FldMnl_ID", "T_Year", "X_LonDD", "Y_LatDD")
## add missing columns
for(j in 1:ncol(afspdb.layers)){
if(is.numeric(afspdb.layers[,j])) {
afspdb.layers[,j] <- ifelse(afspdb.layers[,j] < 0, NA, afspdb.layers[,j])
afspdb.layers$ca_ext = afspdb.layers$ExCa * 200
afspdb.layers$mg_ext = afspdb.layers$ExMg * 121
afspdb.layers$na_ext = afspdb.layers$ExNa * 230
afspdb.layers$k_ext = afspdb.layers$ExK * 391
afspdb.m = plyr::join(afspdb.profiles[,afspdb.s.lst], afspdb.layers)
afspdb.m$oc_d = signif(afspdb.m$OrgC * afspdb.m$BlkDens * (100 - ifelse(is.na(afspdb.m$CfPc), 0, afspdb.m$CfPc))/100, 3)
afspdb.m$T_Year = ifelse(afspdb.m$T_Year < 0, NA, afspdb.m$T_Year)
afspdb.h.lst <- c("ProfileID", "FldMnl_ID", "T_Year", "X_LonDD", "Y_LatDD", "LayerID", "LayerNr", "UpDpth", "LowDpth", "HorDes", "LabTxtr", "Clay", "Silt", "Sand", "OrgC", "oc_d", "TotC", "TotalN", "PHKCl", "PHH2O", "PHCaCl2", "CecSoil", "cec_nh4", "Ecec", "CfPc" , "BlkDens", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "EC", "ec_12pre")
x.na = afspdb.h.lst[which(!afspdb.h.lst %in% names(afspdb.m))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ afspdb.m[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.AfSPDB = afspdb.m[,afspdb.h.lst]
chemsprops.AfSPDB$source_db = "AfSPDB"
chemsprops.AfSPDB$confidence_degree = 5
chemsprops.AfSPDB$project_url = "https://www.isric.org/projects/africa-soil-profiles-database-afsp"
chemsprops.AfSPDB$citation_url = "https://www.isric.org/sites/default/files/isric_report_2014_01.pdf"
chemsprops.AfSPDB = complete.vars(chemsprops.AfSPDB, sel = c("LabTxtr","OrgC","Clay","Ecec","PHH2O","EC","k_ext"), coords = c("X_LonDD", "Y_LatDD"))
#> [1] 60306 36 Africa Soil Information Service (AfSIS) Soil Chemistry
- Towett, E. K., Shepherd, K. D., Tondoh, J. E., Winowiecki, L. A., Lulseged, T., Nyambura, M., … & Cadisch, G. (2015). Total elemental composition of soils in Sub-Saharan Africa and relationship with soil forming factors. Geoderma Regional, 5, 157-168. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2015.06.002
- AfSIS Soil Chemistry produced by World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Quantitative Engineering Design (QED), Center for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN), The International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services (CROPNUTS) and Rothamsted Research (RRES). Data download URL: https://registry.opendata.aws/afsis/
afsis1.xy = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/AF/AfSIS_SSL/2009-2013/Georeferences/georeferences.csv")
afsis1.xy$Sampling.date = 2011
afsis1.lst = list.files("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/AF/AfSIS_SSL/2009-2013/Wet_Chemistry", pattern=glob2rx("*.csv$"), full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
afsis1.hor = plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(afsis1.lst, read.csv))
tansis.xy = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/AF/AfSIS_SSL/tansis/Georeferences/georeferences.csv")
tansis.xy$Sampling.date = 2018
tansis.lst = list.files("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/AF/AfSIS_SSL/tansis/Wet_Chemistry", pattern=glob2rx("*.csv$"), full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
tansis.hor = plyr::rbind.fill(lapply(tansis.lst, read.csv))
afsis1t.df = plyr::rbind.fill(list(plyr::join(afsis1.hor, afsis1.xy, by="SSN"), plyr::join(tansis.hor, tansis.xy, by="SSN")))
afsis1t.df$UpDpth = ifelse(afsis1t.df$Depth=="sub", 20, 0)
afsis1t.df$LowDpth = ifelse(afsis1t.df$Depth=="sub", 50, 20)
afsis1t.df$LayerNr = ifelse(afsis1t.df$Depth=="sub", 2, 1)
afsis1t.df$oc = rowMeans(afsis1t.df[,c("C...Org", "X.C")], na.rm=TRUE) * 10
afsis1t.df$c_tot = afsis1t.df$Total.carbon
afsis1t.df$n_tot = rowMeans(afsis1t.df[,c("Total.nitrogen", "X.N")], na.rm=TRUE) * 10
afsis1t.df$ph_h2o = rowMeans(afsis1t.df[,c("PH", "pH")], na.rm=TRUE)
## multiple texture fractons - which one is the total clay, sand, silt?
## Clay content for water dispersed particles-recorded after 4 minutes of ultrasonication
#plot(afsis1t.df[,c("Longitude", "Latitude")])
afsis1.h.lst <- c("SSN", "Site", "Sampling.date", "Longitude", "Latitude", "Soil.material", "LayerNr", "UpDpth", "LowDpth", "HorDes", "LabTxtr", "Psa.w4clay", "Psa.w4silt", "Psa.w4sand", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "PHKCl", "ph_h2o", "PHCaCl2", "CecSoil", "cec_nh4", "Ecec", "CfPc" , "BlkDens", "ca_ext", "M3.Mg", "M3.Na", "M3.K", "EC", "ec_12pre")
x.na = afspdb.h.lst[which(!afsis1.h.lst %in% names(afsis1t.df))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ afsis1t.df[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.AfSIS1 = afsis1t.df[,afsis1.h.lst]
chemsprops.AfSIS1$source_db = "AfSIS1"
chemsprops.AfSIS1$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.AfSIS1$project_url = "https://registry.opendata.aws/afsis/"
chemsprops.AfSIS1$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geodrs.2015.06.002"
chemsprops.AfSIS1 = complete.vars(chemsprops.AfSIS1, sel = c("Psa.w4clay","oc","ph_h2o","M3.K"), coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
#> [1] 4162 36 Fine Root Ecology Database (FRED)
- Iversen CM, McCormack ML, Baer JK, Powell AS, Chen W, Collins C, Fan Y, Fanin N, Freschet GT, Guo D, Hogan JA, Kou L, Laughlin DC, Lavely E, Liese R, Lin D, Meier IC, Montagnoli A, Roumet C, See CR, Soper F, Terzaghi M, Valverde-Barrantes OJ, Wang C, Wright SJ, Wurzburger N, Zadworny M. (2021). Fine-Root Ecology Database (FRED): A Global Collection of Root Trait Data with Coincident Site, Vegetation, Edaphic, and Climatic Data, Version 3. Oak Ridge National Laboratory, TES SFA, U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, U.S.A. Access on-line at: https://doi.org/10.25581/ornlsfa.014/1459186.
Sys.setenv("VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE" = 131072 * 2)
fred = vroom::vroom("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/FRED/FRED3_Entire_Database_2021.csv", skip = 10, col_names=FALSE)
## 57,190 x 1,164
#nm.fred = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/FRED/FRED3_Column_Definitions_20210423-091040.csv", header=TRUE)
nm.fred0 = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/FRED/FRED3_Entire_Database_2021.csv", nrows=2)
names(fred) = make.names(t(nm.fred0)[,1])
## 1164 columns!
fred.h.lst = c("Notes_Row.ID", "Data.source_DOI", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "Soil.horizon", "Soil.texture", "Soil.texture_Fraction.clay", "Soil.texture_Fraction.silt", "Soil.texture_Fraction.sand", "Soil.organic.C.content", "oc_d", "c_tot", "Soil.N.content", "ph_kcl", "Soil.pH_Water", "Soil.pH_Salt", "Soil.cation.exchange.capacity..CEC.", "cec_nh4", "Soil.effective.cation.exchange.capacity..ECEC.", "wpg2", "Soil.bulk.density", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre", "source_db", "confidence_degree")
fred$site_obsdate = as.integer(rowMeans(fred[,c("Sample.collection_Year.ending.collection", "Sample.collection_Year.beginning.collection")], na.rm=TRUE))
fred$longitude_decimal_degrees = ifelse(is.na(fred$Longitude), fred$Longitude_Estimated, fred$Longitude)
fred$latitude_decimal_degrees = ifelse(is.na(fred$Latitude), fred$Latitude_Estimated, fred$Latitude)
#names(fred)[grep("Notes_Row", names(fred))]
#summary(fred[,grep("clay", names(fred))])
#summary(fred[,grep("cation.exchange", names(fred))])
#summary(fred[,grep("organic.C", names(fred))])
fred$hzn_bot = ifelse(is.na(fred$Soil.depth_Lower.sampling.depth), fred$Soil.depth - 5, fred$Soil.depth_Lower.sampling.depth)
fred$hzn_top = ifelse(is.na(fred$Soil.depth_Upper.sampling.depth), fred$Soil.depth + 5, fred$Soil.depth_Upper.sampling.depth)
fred$oc_d = signif(fred$Soil.organic.C.content / 1000 * fred$Soil.bulk.density * 1000, 3)
x.na = fred.h.lst[which(!fred.h.lst %in% names(fred))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ fred[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.FRED = fred[,fred.h.lst]
chemsprops.FRED$source_db = "FRED"
chemsprops.FRED$confidence_degree = 5
chemsprops.FRED$project_url = "https://roots.ornl.gov/"
chemsprops.FRED$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.25581/ornlsfa.014/1459186"
chemsprops.FRED = complete.vars(chemsprops.FRED, sel = c("Soil.organic.C.content", "Soil.texture_Fraction.clay", "Soil.pH_Water"))
## many duplicates
#> [1] 858 36 Global root traits (GRooT) database (compilation)
- Guerrero‐Ramírez, N. R., Mommer, L., Freschet, G. T., Iversen, C. M., McCormack, M. L., Kattge, J., … & Weigelt, A. (2021). Global root traits (GRooT) database. Global ecology and biogeography, 30(1), 25-37. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/geb.13179
#Sys.setenv("VROOM_CONNECTION_SIZE" = 131072 * 2)
GROOT = vroom::vroom("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/GRooT/GRooTFullVersion.csv")
## 114,222 x 73
c("locationID", "GRooTID", "originalID", "source", "year", "decimalLatitude", "decimalLongitud", "soilpH", "soilTexture", "soilCarbon", "soilNitrogen", "soilPhosphorus", "soilCarbonToNitrogen", "soilBaseCationSaturation", "soilCationExchangeCapacity", "soilOrganicMatter", "soilWaterGravimetric", "soilWaterVolumetric")
#lattice::xyplot(soilCarbon ~ soilpH, GROOT, par.settings = list(plot.symbol = list(col=scales::alpha("black", 0.6), fill=scales::alpha("red", 0.6), pch=21, cex=0.6)), scales = list(y=list(log=TRUE, equispaced.log=FALSE)), ylab="SOC", xlab="pH")
GROOT$site_obsdate = as.Date(paste0(GROOT$year, "-01-01"), format="%Y-%m-%d")
GROOT$hzn_top = 0
GROOT$hzn_bot = 30
GROOT.h.lst = c("locationID", "originalID", "site_obsdate", "decimalLongitud", "decimalLatitude", "GRooTID", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "soilTexture", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "soilCarbon", "oc_d", "c_tot", "soilNitrogen", "ph_kcl", "soilpH", "ph_cacl2", "soilCationExchangeCapacity", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = GROOT.h.lst[which(!GROOT.h.lst %in% names(GROOT))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ GROOT[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.GROOT = GROOT[,GROOT.h.lst]
chemsprops.GROOT$source_db = "GROOT"
chemsprops.GROOT$confidence_degree = 8
chemsprops.GROOT$project_url = "https://groot-database.github.io/GRooT/"
chemsprops.GROOT$citation_url = "https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/geb.13179"
chemsprops.GROOT = complete.vars(chemsprops.GROOT, sel = c("soilCarbon", "soilpH"), coords = c("decimalLongitud", "decimalLatitude"))
#> [1] 718 36 Global Soil Respiration DB
- Bond-Lamberty, B. and Thomson, A. (2010). A global database of soil respiration data, Biogeosciences, 7, 1915–1926, https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-7-1915-2010
srdb = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/SRDB/srdb-data.csv")
## 10366 x 85
srdb.h.lst = c("Site_ID", "Notes", "Study_midyear", "Longitude", "Latitude", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psd", "Soil_clay", "Soil_silt", "Soil_sand", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "Soil_BD", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre", "source_db", "confidence_degree")
srdb$hzn_bot = ifelse(is.na(srdb$C_soildepth), 100, srdb$C_soildepth)
srdb$hzn_top = 0
srdb$oc_d = signif(srdb$C_soilmineral / 1000 / (srdb$hzn_bot/100), 3)
srdb$oc = srdb$oc_d / srdb$Soil_BD
x.na = srdb.h.lst[which(!srdb.h.lst %in% names(srdb))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ srdb[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.SRDB = srdb[,srdb.h.lst]
chemsprops.SRDB$source_db = "SRDB"
chemsprops.SRDB$confidence_degree = 5
chemsprops.SRDB$project_url = "https://github.com/bpbond/srdb/"
chemsprops.SRDB$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5194/bg-7-1915-2010"
chemsprops.SRDB = complete.vars(chemsprops.SRDB, sel = c("oc", "Soil_clay", "Soil_BD"), coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
#> [1] 1596 36 SOils DAta Harmonization database (SoDaH)
- Wieder, W. R., Pierson, D., Earl, S., Lajtha, K., Baer, S., Ballantyne, F., … & Weintraub, S. (2020). SoDaH: the SOils DAta Harmonization database, an open-source synthesis of soil data from research networks, version 1.0. Earth System Science Data Discussions, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2020-195. Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.6073/pasta/9733f6b6d2ffd12bf126dc36a763e0b4
sodah.hor = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/SoDaH/521_soils_data_harmonization_6e8416fa0c9a2c2872f21ba208e6a919.csv")
sodah.hor$site_obsdate = as.integer(substr(sodah.hor$observation_date, 1, 4))
sodah.hor$oc = ifelse(is.na(sodah.hor$lyr_soc), sodah.hor$lyr_som_WalkleyBlack/1.724, sodah.hor$lyr_soc) * 10
sodah.hor$n_tot = sodah.hor$lyr_n_tot * 10
sodah.hor$oc_d = signif(sodah.hor$oc / 1000 * sodah.hor$bd_samp * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(sodah.hor$coarse_frac), 0, sodah.hor$coarse_frac))/100, 3)
sodah.hor$site_key = paste(sodah.hor$network, sodah.hor$location_name, sep="_")
sodah.hor$labsampnum = make.unique(paste(sodah.hor$network, sodah.hor$location_name, sodah.hor$L1, sep="_"))
sodah.h.lst = c("site_key", "data_file", "observation_date", "long", "lat", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "layer_top", "layer_bot", "hzn", "profile_texture_class", "clay", "silt", "sand", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "coarse_frac", "bd_samp", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre", "source_db", "confidence_degree")
x.na = sodah.h.lst[which(!sodah.h.lst %in% names(sodah.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ sodah.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.SoDaH = sodah.hor[,sodah.h.lst]
chemsprops.SoDaH$source_db = "SoDaH"
chemsprops.SoDaH$confidence_degree = 3
chemsprops.SoDaH$project_url = "https://lter.github.io/som-website"
chemsprops.SoDaH$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-2020-195"
chemsprops.SoDaH = complete.vars(chemsprops.SoDaH, sel = c("oc", "clay", "ph_h2o"), coords = c("long", "lat"))
#> [1] 20383 36 ISRIC WISE harmonized soil profile data
- Batjes, N.H. (2019). Harmonized soil profile data for applications at global and continental scales: updates to the WISE database. Soil Use and Management 5:124–127. Data download URL: https://files.isric.org/public/wise/WD-WISE.zip
wise.site <- read.table("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISRIC_WISE/WISE3_SITE.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill=TRUE)
wise.s.lst <- c("WISE3_id", "PITREF", "DATEYR", "LONDD", "LATDD")
wise.site$LONDD = as.numeric(wise.site$LONDD)
wise.site$LATDD = as.numeric(wise.site$LATDD)
wise.layer <- read.table("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISRIC_WISE/WISE3_HORIZON.csv", sep=",", header=TRUE, stringsAsFactors = FALSE, fill=TRUE)
wise.layer$ca_ext = signif(wise.layer$EXCA * 200, 4)
wise.layer$mg_ext = signif(wise.layer$EXMG * 121, 3)
wise.layer$na_ext = signif(wise.layer$EXNA * 230, 3)
wise.layer$k_ext = signif(wise.layer$EXK * 391, 3)
wise.layer$oc_d = signif(wise.layer$ORGC / 1000 * wise.layer$BULKDENS * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(wise.layer$GRAVEL), 0, wise.layer$GRAVEL))/100, 3)
wise.h.lst <- c("WISE3_ID", "labsampnum", "HONU", "TOPDEP", "BOTDEP", "DESIG", "tex_psda", "CLAY", "SILT", "SAND", "ORGC", "oc_d", "c_tot", "TOTN", "PHKCL", "PHH2O", "PHCACL2", "CECSOIL", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "GRAVEL" , "BULKDENS", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ECE", "ec_12pre")
x.na = wise.h.lst[which(!wise.h.lst %in% names(wise.layer))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ wise.layer[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.WISE = merge(wise.site[,wise.s.lst], wise.layer[,wise.h.lst], by.x="WISE3_id", by.y="WISE3_ID")
chemsprops.WISE$source_db = "ISRIC_WISE"
chemsprops.WISE$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.WISE$project_url = "https://isric.org"
chemsprops.WISE$citation_url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1475-2743.2009.00202.x"
chemsprops.WISE = complete.vars(chemsprops.WISE, sel = c("ORGC","CLAY","PHH2O","CECSOIL","k_ext"), coords = c("LONDD", "LATDD"))
#> [1] 23278 36 GEMAS
- Reimann, C., Fabian, K., Birke, M., Filzmoser, P., Demetriades, A., Négrel, P., … & Anderson, M. (2018). GEMAS: Establishing geochemical background and threshold for 53 chemical elements in European agricultural soil. Applied Geochemistry, 88, 302-318. Data download URL: http://gemas.geolba.ac.at/
gemas.samples <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/GEMAS/GEMAS.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## GEMAS, agricultural soil, 0-20 cm, air dried, <2 mm, aqua regia Data from ACME, total C, TOC, CEC, ph_CaCl2
gemas.samples$hzn_top = 0
gemas.samples$hzn_bot = 20
gemas.samples$oc = gemas.samples$TOC * 10
gemas.samples$c_tot = gemas.samples$C_tot * 10
gemas.samples$site_obsdate = 2009
gemas.h.lst <- c("ID", "COUNRTY", "site_obsdate", "XCOO", "YCOO", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "TYPE", "tex_psda", "clay", "silt", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "pH_CaCl2", "CEC", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = gemas.h.lst[which(!gemas.h.lst %in% names(gemas.samples))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ gemas.samples[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.GEMAS <- gemas.samples[,gemas.h.lst]
chemsprops.GEMAS$source_db = "GEMAS_2009"
chemsprops.GEMAS$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.GEMAS$project_url = "http://gemas.geolba.ac.at/"
chemsprops.GEMAS$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apgeochem.2017.01.021"
chemsprops.GEMAS = complete.vars(chemsprops.GEMAS, sel = c("oc","clay","pH_CaCl2"), coords = c("XCOO", "YCOO"))
#> [1] 4131 36 LUCAS soil
- Orgiazzi, A., Ballabio, C., Panagos, P., Jones, A., & Fernández‐Ugalde, O. (2018). LUCAS Soil, the largest expandable soil dataset for Europe: a review. European Journal of Soil Science, 69(1), 140-153. Data download URL: https://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/content/lucas-2009-topsoil-data
lucas.samples <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/LUCAS/LUCAS_TOPSOIL_v1.xlsx", sheet = 1)
lucas.samples$site_obsdate <- "2009"
lucas.ro <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/LUCAS/Romania.xlsx", sheet = 1)
lucas.ro$site_obsdate <- "2012"
names(lucas.samples)[which(!names(lucas.samples) %in% names(lucas.ro))]
lucas.ro = plyr::rename(lucas.ro, replace=c("Soil.ID"="sample_ID", "GPS_X_LONG"="GPS_LONG", "GPS_Y_LAT"="GPS_LAT", "pHinH2O"="pH_in_H2O", "pHinCaCl2"="pH_in_CaCl"))
lucas.bu <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/LUCAS/Bulgaria.xlsx", sheet = 1)
lucas.bu$site_obsdate <- "2012"
names(lucas.samples)[which(!names(lucas.samples) %in% names(lucas.bu))]
#lucas.ch <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/LUCAS/LUCAS_2015_Topsoil_data_of_Switzerland-with-coordinates.xlsx_.xlsx", sheet = 1, startRow = 2)
#lucas.ch = plyr::rename(lucas.ch, replace=c("Soil_ID"="sample_ID", "GPS_.LAT"="GPS_LAT", "pH.in.H2O"="pH_in_H2O", "pH.in.CaCl2"="pH_in_CaCl", "Calcium.carbonate/.g.kg–1"="CaCO3", "Silt/.g.kg–1"="silt", "Sand/.g.kg–1"="sand", "Clay/.g.kg–1"="clay", "Organic.carbon/.g.kg–1"="OC"))
## Double readings?
lucas.t = plyr::rbind.fill(list(lucas.samples, lucas.ro, lucas.bu))
lucas.h.lst <- c("POINT_ID", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "GPS_LONG", "GPS_LAT", "sample_ID", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay", "silt", "sand", "OC", "oc_d", "c_tot", "N", "ph_kcl", "pH_in_H2O", "pH_in_CaCl", "CEC", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "coarse", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "K", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = lucas.h.lst[which(!lucas.h.lst %in% names(lucas.t))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ lucas.t[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.LUCAS <- lucas.t[,lucas.h.lst]
chemsprops.LUCAS$source_db = "LUCAS_2009"
chemsprops.LUCAS$hzn_top <- 0
chemsprops.LUCAS$hzn_bot <- 20
chemsprops.LUCAS$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.LUCAS$project_url = "https://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/"
chemsprops.LUCAS$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12499"
chemsprops.LUCAS = complete.vars(chemsprops.LUCAS, sel = c("OC","clay","pH_in_H2O"), coords = c("GPS_LONG", "GPS_LAT"))
#> [1] 21272 36
#lucas2015.samples <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/LUCAS/LUCAS_Topsoil_2015_20200323.xlsx", sheet = 1)
lucas2015.xy = readOGR("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/EU/LUCAS/LUCAS_Topsoil_2015_20200323.shp")
lucas2015.xy = as.data.frame(lucas2015.xy)
## https://www.aqion.de/site/130
## 1 mS/m = 100 mS/cm | 1 dS/m = 1 mS/cm = 1 mS/m / 100
lucas2015.xy$ec_satp = lucas2015.xy$EC / 100
lucas2015.h.lst <- c("Point_ID", "LC0_Desc", "site_obsdate", "coords.x1", "coords.x2", "sample_ID", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "Clay", "Silt", "Sand", "OC", "oc_d", "c_tot", "N", "ph_kcl", "pH_H20", "pH_CaCl2", "CEC", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "coarse", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "K", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = lucas2015.h.lst[which(!lucas2015.h.lst %in% names(lucas2015.xy))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ lucas2015.xy[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.LUCAS2 <- lucas2015.xy[,lucas2015.h.lst]
chemsprops.LUCAS2$source_db = "LUCAS_2015"
chemsprops.LUCAS2$hzn_top <- 0
chemsprops.LUCAS2$hzn_bot <- 20
chemsprops.LUCAS2$site_obsdate <- "2015"
chemsprops.LUCAS2$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.LUCAS2$project_url = "https://esdac.jrc.ec.europa.eu/"
chemsprops.LUCAS2$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1111/ejss.12499"
chemsprops.LUCAS2 = complete.vars(chemsprops.LUCAS2, sel = c("OC","Clay","pH_H20"), coords = c("coords.x1", "coords.x2"))
#> [1] 21859 36 Mangrove forest soil DB
- Sanderman, J., Hengl, T., Fiske, G., Solvik, K., Adame, M. F., Benson, L., … & Duncan, C. (2018). A global map of mangrove forest soil carbon at 30 m spatial resolution. Environmental Research Letters, 13(5), 055002. Data download URL: https://dataverse.harvard.edu/dataset.xhtml?persistentId=doi:10.7910/DVN/OCYUIT
mng.profs <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/TNC_mangroves/mangrove_soc_database_v10_sites.csv", skip=1)
mng.hors <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/TNC_mangroves/mangrove_soc_database_v10_horizons.csv", skip=1)
mngALL = plyr::join(mng.hors, mng.profs, by=c("Site.name"))
mngALL$oc = mngALL$OC_final * 10
mngALL$oc_d = mngALL$CD_calc * 1000
mngALL$hzn_top = mngALL$U_depth * 100
mngALL$hzn_bot = mngALL$L_depth * 100
mngALL$wpg2 = 0
#summary(mngALL$BD_reported) ## some very high values 3.26 t/m3
mngALL$Year = ifelse(is.na(mngALL$Year_sampled), mngALL$Years_collected, mngALL$Year_sampled)
mng.col = c("Site.name", "Site..", "Year", "Longitude_Adjusted", "Latitude_Adjusted", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence","hzn_top","hzn_bot","hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "BD_reported", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = mng.col[which(!mng.col %in% names(mngALL))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ mngALL[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.Mangroves = mngALL[,mng.col]
chemsprops.Mangroves$source_db = "MangrovesDB"
chemsprops.Mangroves$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.Mangroves$project_url = "http://maps.oceanwealth.org/mangrove-restoration/"
chemsprops.Mangroves$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aabe1c"
chemsprops.Mangroves = complete.vars(chemsprops.Mangroves, sel = c("oc","BD_reported"), coords = c("Longitude_Adjusted", "Latitude_Adjusted"))
mng.rm = chemsprops.Mangroves$Site.name[chemsprops.Mangroves$Site.name %in% mngALL$Site.name[grep("N", mngALL$OK.to.release., ignore.case = FALSE)]]
#> [1] 7734 36 CIFOR peatland points
Peatland soil measurements (points) from the literature described in:
- Murdiyarso, D., Roman-Cuesta, R. M., Verchot, L. V., Herold, M., Gumbricht, T., Herold, N., & Martius, C. (2017). New map reveals more peat in the tropics (Vol. 189). CIFOR. https://doi.org/10.17528/cifor/006452
cif.hors <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/CIFOR_peatlands/SOC_literature_CIFOR.csv")
cif.hors$oc = cif.hors$SOC * 10
cif.hors$wpg2 = 0
cif.hors$c_tot = cif.hors$TOC.content.... * 10
cif.hors$oc_d = cif.hors$C.density..kg.C.m..
cif.hors$site_obsdate = as.integer(substr(cif.hors$year, 1, 4))-1
cif.col = c("SOURCEID", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "modelling.x", "modelling.y", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "Upper", "Lower", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "BD..g.cm..", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = cif.col[which(!cif.col %in% names(cif.hors))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ cif.hors[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.Peatlands = cif.hors[,cif.col]
chemsprops.Peatlands$source_db = "CIFOR"
chemsprops.Peatlands$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.Peatlands$project_url = "https://www.cifor.org/"
chemsprops.Peatlands$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.17528/cifor/006452"
chemsprops.Peatlands = complete.vars(chemsprops.Peatlands, sel = c("oc","BD..g.cm.."), coords = c("modelling.x", "modelling.y"))
#> [1] 756 36 LandPKS observations
- Herrick, J. E., Urama, K. C., Karl, J. W., Boos, J., Johnson, M. V. V., Shepherd, K. D., … & Kosnik, C. (2013). The Global Land-Potential Knowledge System (LandPKS): Supporting Evidence-based, Site-specific Land Use and Management through Cloud Computing, Mobile Applications, and Crowdsourcing. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 68(1), 5A-12A. Data download URL: http://portal.landpotential.org/#/landpksmap
pks = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/LandPKS/Export_LandInfo_Data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
pks.hor = data.frame(rock_fragments = c(pks$rock_fragments_layer_0_1cm,
tex_field = c(pks$texture_layer_0_1cm,
pks.hor$hzn_top = c(rep(0, nrow(pks)),
rep(1, nrow(pks)),
rep(10, nrow(pks)),
rep(20, nrow(pks)),
rep(50, nrow(pks)),
rep(70, nrow(pks)),
rep(100, nrow(pks)))
pks.hor$hzn_bot = c(rep(1, nrow(pks)),
rep(10, nrow(pks)),
rep(20, nrow(pks)),
rep(50, nrow(pks)),
rep(70, nrow(pks)),
rep(100, nrow(pks)),
rep(120, nrow(pks)))
pks.hor$longitude_decimal_degrees = rep(pks$longitude, 7)
pks.hor$latitude_decimal_degrees = rep(pks$latitude, 7)
pks.hor$site_obsdate = rep(pks$modified_date, 7)
pks.hor$site_key = rep(pks$id, 7)
clay_tot_psa=c(62.4, 34.0, 19.0, 5.8, 3.3, 41.7, 27.0, 10.0, 13.1, 46.7, 34.0),
silt_tot_psa=c(17.8, 34.0, 40.0, 12.0, 5.0, 6.7, 13.0, 25.0, 65.7, 46.7, 56.0),
sand_tot_psa=c(19.8, 32.0, 41.0, 82.2, 91.7, 51.6, 60.0, 65.0, 21.2, 6.7, 10.0))
pks.hor$clay_tot_psa = plyr::join(pks.hor["tex_field"], tex.tr)$clay_tot_psa
pks.hor$silt_tot_psa = plyr::join(pks.hor["tex_field"], tex.tr)$silt_tot_psa
pks.hor$sand_tot_psa = plyr::join(pks.hor["tex_field"], tex.tr)$sand_tot_psa
pks.hor$wpg2 = ifelse(pks.hor$rock_fragments==">60%", 65, ifelse(pks.hor$rock_fragments=="35-60%", 47.5, ifelse(pks.hor$rock_fragments=="15-35%", 25, ifelse(pks.hor$rock_fragments=="1-15%" | pks.hor$rock_fragments=="0-15%", 7.5, ifelse(pks.hor$rock_fragments=="0-1%", 0.5, NA)))))
pks.col = c("site_key", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence","hzn_top","hzn_bot","hzn_desgn", "tex_field", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = pks.col[which(!pks.col %in% names(pks.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ pks.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.LandPKS = pks.hor[,pks.col]
chemsprops.LandPKS$source_db = "LandPKS"
chemsprops.LandPKS$confidence_degree = 8
chemsprops.LandPKS$project_url = "http://portal.landpotential.org"
chemsprops.LandPKS$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.2489/jswc.68.1.5A"
chemsprops.LandPKS = complete.vars(chemsprops.LandPKS, sel = c("clay_tot_psa","wpg2"), coords = c("longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees"))
#> [1] 41644 36 EGRPR
- Russian Federation: The Unified State Register of Soil Resources (EGRPR). Data download URL: http://egrpr.esoil.ru/content/1DB.html
russ.HOR = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Russia/EGRPR/Russia_EGRPR_soil_pedons.csv")
russ.HOR$SOURCEID = paste(russ.HOR$CardID, russ.HOR$SOIL_ID, sep="_")
russ.HOR$wpg2 = russ.HOR$TEXTSTNS
russ.HOR$SLTPPT <- russ.HOR$TEXTSIC + russ.HOR$TEXTSIM + 0.8 * ifelse(is.na(russ.HOR$TEXTSIF), 0, russ.HOR$TEXTSIF)
russ.HOR$CLYPPT <- russ.HOR$TEXTCL + 0.2 * ifelse(is.na(russ.HOR$TEXTSIF), 0, russ.HOR$TEXTSIF)
## Correct texture fractions:
sumTex <- rowSums(russ.HOR[,c("SLTPPT","CLYPPT","SNDPPT")])
russ.HOR$SNDPPT <- russ.HOR$SNDPPT / ((sumTex - russ.HOR$CLYPPT) /(100 - russ.HOR$CLYPPT))
russ.HOR$SLTPPT <- russ.HOR$SLTPPT / ((sumTex - russ.HOR$CLYPPT) /(100 - russ.HOR$CLYPPT))
russ.HOR$oc <- rowMeans(data.frame(x1=russ.HOR$CORG * 10, x2=russ.HOR$ORGMAT/1.724 * 10), na.rm=TRUE)
russ.HOR$oc_d = signif(russ.HOR$oc / 1000 * russ.HOR$DVOL * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(russ.HOR$wpg2), 0, russ.HOR$wpg2))/100, 3)
russ.HOR$n_tot <- russ.HOR$NTOT * 10
russ.HOR$ca_ext = russ.HOR$EXCA * 200
russ.HOR$mg_ext = russ.HOR$EXMG * 121
russ.HOR$na_ext = russ.HOR$EXNA * 230
russ.HOR$k_ext = russ.HOR$EXK * 391
## Sampling year not available but with high confidence <2000
russ.HOR$site_obsdate = "1982"
russ.sel.h <- c("SOURCEID", "SOIL_ID", "site_obsdate", "LONG", "LAT", "labsampnum", "HORNMB", "HORTOP", "HORBOT", "HISMMN", "tex_psda", "CLYPPT", "SLTPPT", "SNDPPT", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "NTOT", "PHSLT", "PHH2O", "ph_cacl2", "CECST", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "DVOL", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = russ.sel.h[which(!russ.sel.h %in% names(russ.HOR))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ russ.HOR[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.EGRPR = russ.HOR[,russ.sel.h]
chemsprops.EGRPR$source_db = "Russia_EGRPR"
chemsprops.EGRPR$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.EGRPR$project_url = "http://egrpr.esoil.ru/"
chemsprops.EGRPR$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.19047/0136-1694-2016-86-115-123"
chemsprops.EGRPR <- complete.vars(chemsprops.EGRPR, sel=c("oc", "CLYPPT"), coords = c("LONG", "LAT"))
#> [1] 4437 36 Canada National Pedon DB
- Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada National Pedon Database. Data download URL: https://open.canada.ca/data/en/
NPDB.nm = c("NPDB_V2_sum_source_info.csv","NPDB_V2_sum_chemical.csv", "NPDB_V2_sum_horizons_raw.csv", "NPDB_V2_sum_physical.csv")
NPDB.HOR = plyr::join_all(lapply(paste0("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Canada/NPDB/", NPDB.nm), read.csv), type = "full")
NPDB.HOR$oc_d = signif(NPDB.HOR$oc / 1000 * NPDB.HOR$BULK_DEN * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(NPDB.HOR$VC_SAND), 0, NPDB.HOR$VC_SAND))/100, 3)
NPDB.HOR$ca_ext = NPDB.HOR$EXCH_CA * 200
NPDB.HOR$mg_ext = NPDB.HOR$EXCH_MG * 121
NPDB.HOR$na_ext = NPDB.HOR$EXCH_NA * 230
NPDB.HOR$k_ext = NPDB.HOR$EXCH_K * 391
npdb.sel.h = c("PEDON_ID", "usiteid", "CAL_YEAR", "DD_LONG", "DD_LAT", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "U_DEPTH", "L_DEPTH", "HISMMN", "tex_psda", "T_CLAY", "T_SILT", "T_SAND", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "N_TOTAL", "ph_kcl", "PH_H2O", "PH_CACL2", "CEC", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "VC_SAND", "BULK_DEN", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = npdb.sel.h[which(!npdb.sel.h %in% names(NPDB.HOR))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ NPDB.HOR[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.NPDB = NPDB.HOR[,npdb.sel.h]
chemsprops.NPDB$source_db = "Canada_NPDB"
chemsprops.NPDB$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.NPDB$project_url = "https://open.canada.ca/data/en/"
chemsprops.NPDB$citation_url = "https://open.canada.ca/data/en/dataset/6457fad6-b6f5-47a3-9bd1-ad14aea4b9e0"
chemsprops.NPDB <- complete.vars(chemsprops.NPDB, sel=c("oc", "PH_H2O", "T_CLAY"), coords = c("DD_LONG", "DD_LAT"))
#> [1] 15946 36 Canadian upland forest soil profile and carbon stocks database
- Shaw, C., Hilger, A., Filiatrault, M., & Kurz, W. (2018). A Canadian upland forest soil profile and carbon stocks database. Ecology, 99(4), 989-989. Data download URL: https://esajournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/action/downloadSupplement?doi=10.1002%2Fecy.2159&file=ecy2159-sup-0001-DataS1.zip
*Organic horizons have negative values, the first mineral soil horizon has a value of 0 cm, and other mineral soil horizons have positive values. This needs to be corrected before the values can be bind with other international sets.
## Reading of the .dat file was tricky
cufs.HOR = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Canada/CUFSDB/PROFILES.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Correct depth (Canadian data can have negative depths for soil horizons):
z.min.cufs <- ddply(cufs.HOR, .(LOCATION_ID), summarize, aggregated = min(UPPER_HZN_LIMIT, na.rm=TRUE))
z.shift.cufs <- join(cufs.HOR["LOCATION_ID"], z.min.cufs, type="left")$aggregated
## fixed shift
z.shift.cufs <- ifelse(z.shift.cufs>0, 0, z.shift.cufs)
cufs.HOR$hzn_top <- cufs.HOR$UPPER_HZN_LIMIT - z.shift.cufs
cufs.HOR$hzn_bot <- cufs.HOR$LOWER_HZN_LIMIT - z.shift.cufs
cufs.SITE = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Canada/CUFSDB/SITES.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
cufs.HOR$longitude_decimal_degrees = plyr::join(cufs.HOR["LOCATION_ID"], cufs.SITE)$LONGITUDE
cufs.HOR$latitude_decimal_degrees = plyr::join(cufs.HOR["LOCATION_ID"], cufs.SITE)$LATITUDE
cufs.HOR$site_obsdate = plyr::join(cufs.HOR["LOCATION_ID"], cufs.SITE)$YEAR_SAMPLED
cufs.HOR$usiteid = plyr::join(cufs.HOR["LOCATION_ID"], cufs.SITE)$RELEASE_SOURCE_SITEID
#hist(cufs.HOR$ORG_CARB_PCT, breaks=45)
cufs.HOR$oc = cufs.HOR$ORG_CARB_PCT*10
#cufs.HOR$c_tot = cufs.HOR$oc + ifelse(is.na(cufs.HOR$CARBONATE_CARB_PCT), 0, cufs.HOR$CARBONATE_CARB_PCT*10)
cufs.HOR$n_tot = cufs.HOR$TOT_NITRO_PCT*10
cufs.HOR$ca_ext = cufs.HOR$EXCH_Ca * 200
cufs.HOR$mg_ext = cufs.HOR$EXCH_Mg * 121
cufs.HOR$na_ext = cufs.HOR$EXCH_Na * 230
cufs.HOR$k_ext = cufs.HOR$EXCH_K * 391
cufs.HOR$ph_cacl2 = cufs.HOR$pH
cufs.HOR$ph_cacl2[!cufs.HOR$pH_H2O_CACL2=="CACL2"] = NA
cufs.HOR$ph_h2o = cufs.HOR$pH
cufs.HOR$ph_h2o[!cufs.HOR$pH_H2O_CACL2=="H2O"] = NA
#summary(cufs.HOR$CF_VOL_PCT) ## is NA == 0??
cufs.HOR$wpg2 = ifelse(cufs.HOR$CF_CORR_FACTOR==1, 0, cufs.HOR$CF_VOL_PCT)
cufs.HOR$oc_d = signif(cufs.HOR$oc / 1000 * cufs.HOR$BULK_DENSITY * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(cufs.HOR$wpg2), 0, cufs.HOR$wpg2))/100, 3)
cufs.sel.h = c("LOCATION_ID", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "HZN_SEQ_NO", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "HORIZON", "TEXT_CLASS", "CLAY_PCT", "SILT_PCT", "SAND_PCT", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "CEC_CALCULATED", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "BULK_DENSITY", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ELEC_COND", "ec_12pre")
x.na = cufs.sel.h[which(!cufs.sel.h %in% names(cufs.HOR))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ cufs.HOR[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.CUFS = cufs.HOR[,cufs.sel.h]
chemsprops.CUFS$source_db = "Canada_CUFS"
chemsprops.CUFS$confidence_degree = 1
chemsprops.CUFS$project_url = "https://cfs.nrcan.gc.ca/publications/centre/nofc"
chemsprops.CUFS$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1002/ecy.2159"
chemsprops.CUFS <- complete.vars(chemsprops.CUFS, sel=c("oc", "ph_h2o", "CLAY_PCT"))
#> [1] 15162 36 Permafrost in subarctic Canada
- Estop-Aragones, C.; Fisher, J.P.; Cooper, M.A.; Thierry, A.; Treharne, R.; Murton, J.B.; Phoenix, G.K.; Charman, D.J.; Williams, M.; Hartley, I.P. (2016). Bulk density, carbon and nitrogen content in soil profiles from permafrost in subarctic Canada. NERC Environmental Information Data Centre. https://doi.org/10.5285/efa2a84b-3505-4221-a7da-12af3cdc1952. Data download URL:
caperm.HOR = vroom::vroom("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Canada/NorthCanada/Bulk_density_CandNcontent_profiles_all_sites.csv")
#measurements::conv_unit("-99 36 15.7", from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg")
#caperm.HOR$longitude_decimal_degrees = as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(paste0("-", gsub('\"W', '', gsub("'", ' ', iconv(caperm.HOR$Coordinates_West, "UTF-8", "UTF-8", sub=' ')), fixed = TRUE)), from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg"))
caperm.HOR$longitude_decimal_degrees = as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(paste0("-", caperm.HOR$Cordinates_West), from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg"))
#caperm.HOR$latitude_decimal_degrees = as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(gsub('\"N', '', gsub('o', '', gsub("'", ' ', iconv(caperm.HOR$Coordinates_North, "UTF-8", "UTF-8", sub=' '))), fixed = TRUE), from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg"))
caperm.HOR$latitude_decimal_degrees = as.numeric(measurements::conv_unit(caperm.HOR$Cordinates_North, from = "deg_min_sec", to = "dec_deg"))
caperm.HOR$site_obsdate = "2013"
caperm.HOR$site_key = make.unique(caperm.HOR$Soil.core)
caperm.HOR$hzn_top = caperm.HOR$Soil_depth_cm-1
caperm.HOR$hzn_bot = caperm.HOR$Soil_depth_cm+1
caperm.HOR$db_od = caperm.HOR$Bulk_density_gdrysoil_cm3wetsoil
caperm.HOR$oc = caperm.HOR$Ccontent_percentage_on_drymass * 10
caperm.HOR$n_tot = caperm.HOR$Ncontent_percentage_on_drymass * 10
caperm.HOR$oc_d = signif(caperm.HOR$oc / 1000 * caperm.HOR$db_od * 1000, 3)
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(caperm.HOR))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ caperm.HOR[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.CAPERM = caperm.HOR[,col.names]
chemsprops.CAPERM$source_db = "Canada_subarctic"
chemsprops.CAPERM$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.CAPERM$project_url = "http://arp.arctic.ac.uk/projects/carbon-cycling-linkages-permafrost-systems-cyclops/"
chemsprops.CAPERM$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5285/efa2a84b-3505-4221-a7da-12af3cdc1952"
chemsprops.CAPERM <- complete.vars(chemsprops.CAPERM, sel=c("oc", "n_tot"))
#> [1] 1180 36 SOTER China soil profiles
- Dijkshoorn, K., van Engelen, V., & Huting, J. (2008). Soil and landform properties for LADA partner countries. ISRIC report 2008/06 and GLADA report 2008/03, ISRIC – World Soil Information and FAO, Wageningen. Data download URL: https://files.isric.org/public/soter/CN-SOTER.zip
sot.sites = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/China/China_SOTERv1/CHINA_SOTERv1_Profile.csv")
sot.horizons = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/China/China_SOTERv1/CHINA_SOTERv1_Horizon.csv")
sot.HOR = plyr::join_all(list(sot.sites, sot.horizons), type = "full")
sot.HOR$oc = sot.HOR$SOCA * 10
sot.HOR$ca_ext = sot.HOR$EXCA * 200
sot.HOR$mg_ext = sot.HOR$EXMG * 121
sot.HOR$na_ext = sot.HOR$EXNA * 230
sot.HOR$k_ext = sot.HOR$EXCK * 391
## upper depth missing needs to be derived manually
sot.HOR$hzn_top = NA
sot.HOR$hzn_top[2:nrow(sot.HOR)] <- sot.HOR$HBDE[1:(nrow(sot.HOR)-1)]
sot.HOR$hzn_top <- ifelse(sot.HOR$hzn_top > sot.HOR$HBDE, 0, sot.HOR$hzn_top)
sot.HOR$hzn_top <- ifelse(sot.HOR$HONU==1 & is.na(sot.HOR$hzn_top), 0, sot.HOR$hzn_top)
sot.HOR$oc_d = signif(sot.HOR$oc / 1000 * sot.HOR$BULK * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(sot.HOR$SDVC), 0, sot.HOR$SDVC))/100, 3)
sot.sel.h = c("PRID", "PDID", "SAYR", "LNGI", "LATI", "labsampnum", "HONU", "hzn_top","HBDE","HODE", "PSCL", "CLPC", "STPC", "SDTO", "oc", "oc_d", "TOTC", "TOTN", "PHKC", "PHAQ", "ph_cacl2", "CECS", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "SDVC", "BULK", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = sot.sel.h[which(!sot.sel.h %in% names(sot.HOR))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ sot.HOR[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.CNSOT = sot.HOR[,sot.sel.h]
chemsprops.CNSOT$source_db = "China_SOTER"
chemsprops.CNSOT$confidence_degree = 8
chemsprops.CNSOT$project_url = "https://www.isric.org/explore/soter"
chemsprops.CNSOT$citation_url = "https://isric.org/sites/default/files/isric_report_2008_06.pdf"
chemsprops.CNSOT <- complete.vars(chemsprops.CNSOT, sel=c("TOTC", "PHAQ", "CLPC"), coords = c("LNGI", "LATI"))
#> Joining by: PRID, INFR
#> [1] 5105 36 SISLAC
- Sistema de Información de Suelos de Latinoamérica (SISLAC), Data download URL:
sis.hor = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/SA/SISLAC/sislac_profiles_es.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## SOC for Urugvay do not match the original soil profile data (see e.g. http://www.mgap.gub.uy/sites/default/files/multimedia/skmbt_c45111090914030.pdf)
## compare with:
## Subset to SISINTA/WOSIS points:
cor.sel = c(grep("WoSIS", paste(sis.hor$perfil_numero)), grep("SISINTA", paste(sis.hor$perfil_numero)))
sis.hor = sis.hor[cor.sel,]
sis.hor$oc = sis.hor$analitico_carbono_organico_c * 10
sis.hor$oc_d = signif(sis.hor$oc / 1000 * sis.hor$analitico_densidad_aparente * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(sis.hor$analitico_gravas), 0, sis.hor$analitico_gravas))/100, 3)
sis.sel.h = c("perfil_id", "perfil_numero", "perfil_fecha", "perfil_ubicacion_longitud", "perfil_ubicacion_latitud", "id", "layer_sequence", "profundidad_superior", "profundidad_inferior", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "analitico_arcilla", "analitico_limo_2_50", "analitico_arena_total", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "analitico_ph_kcl", "analitico_ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "analitico_gravas", "analitico_densidad_aparente", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "analitico_conductividad", "ec_12pre")
x.na = sis.sel.h[which(!sis.sel.h %in% names(sis.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ sis.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.SISLAC = sis.hor[,sis.sel.h]
chemsprops.SISLAC$source_db = "SISLAC"
chemsprops.SISLAC$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.SISLAC$project_url = ""
chemsprops.SISLAC$citation_url = "https://hdl.handle.net/10568/49611"
chemsprops.SISLAC <- complete.vars(chemsprops.SISLAC, sel=c("oc","analitico_ph_kcl","analitico_arcilla"), coords = c("perfil_ubicacion_longitud", "perfil_ubicacion_latitud"))
#> [1] 49994 36 FEBR
- Samuel-Rosa, A., Dalmolin, R. S. D., Moura-Bueno, J. M., Teixeira, W. G., & Alba, J. M. F. (2020). Open legacy soil survey data in Brazil: geospatial data quality and how to improve it. Scientia Agricola, 77(1). https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-992x-2017-0430
- Free Brazilian Repository for Open Soil Data – febr. Data download URL: http://www.ufsm.br/febr/
## download up-to-date copy of data
#febr.lab = febr::layer(dataset = "all", variable="all")
#febr.lab = febr::observation(dataset = "all")
febr.hor = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Brasil/FEBR/febr-superconjunto.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, dec = ",", sep = ";")
#summary(febr.hor$dsi) ## bulk density of total soil
febr.hor$clay_tot_psa = febr.hor$argila /10
febr.hor$sand_tot_psa = febr.hor$areia /10
febr.hor$silt_tot_psa = febr.hor$silte /10
febr.hor$wpg2 = (1000-febr.hor$terrafina)/10
febr.hor$oc_d = signif(febr.hor$carbono / 1000 * febr.hor$dsi * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(febr.hor$wpg2), 0, febr.hor$wpg2))/100, 3)
febr.sel.h <- c("observacao_id", "usiteid", "observacao_data", "coord_x", "coord_y", "sisb_id", "camada_id", "profund_sup", "profund_inf", "camada_nome", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "carbono", "oc_d", "c_tot", "nitrogenio", "ph_kcl", "ph", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "dsi", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ce", "ec_12pre")
x.na = febr.sel.h[which(!febr.sel.h %in% names(febr.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ febr.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.FEBR = febr.hor[,febr.sel.h]
chemsprops.FEBR$source_db = "FEBR"
chemsprops.FEBR$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.FEBR$project_url = "http://www.ufsm.br/febr/"
chemsprops.FEBR$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-992x-2017-0430"
chemsprops.FEBR <- complete.vars(chemsprops.FEBR, sel=c("carbono","ph","clay_tot_psa","dsi"), coords = c("coord_x", "coord_y"))
#> [1] 7842 36 PRONASOLOS
- POLIDORO, J., COELHO, M., CARVALHO FILHO, A. D., LUMBRERAS, J., de OLIVEIRA, A. P., VASQUES, G. D. M., … & BREFIN, M. (2021). Programa Nacional de Levantamento e Interpretação de Solos do Brasil (PronaSolos): diretrizes para implementação. Embrapa Solos-Documentos (INFOTECA-E).
- Download URL: http://geoinfo.cnps.embrapa.br/documents/3013/download
pronas.hor = as.data.frame(sf::read_sf("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Brasil/Pronasolos/Perfis_PronaSolos_20201202v2.shp"))
## 34,464 rows
## A lot of errors / typos e.g. very high values and 0 values!!
pronas.in.name = c("sigla", "codigo_pon", "data_colet", "gcs_latitu", "gcs_longit", "simbolo_ho", "profundida",
"profundi_1", "cascalho", "areia_tota", "silte", "argila", "densidade_", "ph_h2o", "ph_kcl",
"complexo_s", "complexo_1", "complexo_2", "complexo_3", "valor_s", "carbono_or", "nitrogenio",
"condutivid", "classe_tex")
#pronas.in.name[which(!pronas.in.name %in% names(pronas.hor))]
pronas.x = as.data.frame(pronas.hor[,pronas.in.name])
pronas.out.name = c("site_key", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "longitude_decimal_degrees",
"hzn_desgn", "hzn_bot", "hzn_top", "wpg2", "sand_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa",
"clay_tot_psa", "db_od", "ph_h2o", "ph_kcl", "ca_ext",
"mg_ext", "k_ext", "na_ext", "cec_sum", "oc", "n_tot", "ec_satp", "tex_psda")
## translate values
pronas.fun.lst = as.list(rep("as.numeric(x)*1", length(pronas.in.name)))
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="sigla")]] = "paste(x)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="codigo_pon")]] = "paste(x)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="data_colet")]] = "paste(x)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="simbolo_ho")]] = "paste(x)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="classe_tex")]] = "paste(x)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="complexo_s")]] = "as.numeric(x)*200"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="complexo_1")]] = "as.numeric(x)*121"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="complexo_2")]] = "as.numeric(x)*391"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="complexo_3")]] = "as.numeric(x)*230"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="areia_tota")]] = "round(as.numeric(x)/10, 1)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="silte")]] = "round(as.numeric(x)/10, 1)"
pronas.fun.lst[[which(pronas.in.name=="argila")]] = "round(as.numeric(x)/10, 1)"
## save translation rules:
write.csv(data.frame(pronas.in.name, pronas.out.name, unlist(pronas.fun.lst)), "pronas_soilab_transvalues.csv")
pronas.soil = transvalues(pronas.x, pronas.out.name, pronas.in.name, pronas.fun.lst)
pronas.soil$oc_d = signif(pronas.soil$oc / 1000 * pronas.soil$db_od * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(pronas.soil$wpg2), 0, pronas.soil$wpg2))/100, 3)
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(pronas.soil))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ pronas.soil[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.PRONASOLOS = pronas.soil[,col.names]
chemsprops.PRONASOLOS$source_db = "PRONASOLOS"
chemsprops.PRONASOLOS$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.PRONASOLOS$project_url = "https://geoportal.cprm.gov.br/pronasolos/"
chemsprops.PRONASOLOS$citation_url = "https://www.infoteca.cnptia.embrapa.br/infoteca/handle/doc/1135056"
chemsprops.PRONASOLOS <- complete.vars(chemsprops.PRONASOLOS, sel=c("oc","ph_h2o","clay_tot_psa"))
#> [1] 31747 36 Soil Profile DB for Costa Rica
- Mata, R., Vázquez, A., Rosales, A., & Salazar, D. (2012). Mapa digital de suelos de Costa Rica. Asociación Costarricense de la Ciencia del Suelo, San José, CRC. Escala, 1, 200000. Data download URL: http://www.cia.ucr.ac.cr/wp-content/recursosnaturales/Base%20perfiles%20de%20suelos%20v1.1.rar
- Mata-Chinchilla, R., & Castro-Chinchilla, J. (2019). Geoportal de suelos de Costa Rica como Bien Público al servicio del país. Revista Tecnología En Marcha, 32(7), Pág. 51-56. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v32i7.4259
cr.hor = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Costa_Rica/Base_de_datos_version_1.2.3.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
#plot(cr.hor[,c("X","Y")], pch="+", asp=1)
cr.hor$usiteid = paste(cr.hor$Provincia, cr.hor$Cantón, cr.hor$Id, sep="_")
cr.hor$oc = cr.hor$Corg. * 10
cr.hor$Densidad.Aparente = as.numeric(paste0(cr.hor$Densidad.Aparente))
cr.hor$ca_ext = cr.hor$Ca * 200
cr.hor$mg_ext = cr.hor$Mg * 121
#cr.hor$na_ext = cr.hor$Na * 230
cr.hor$k_ext = cr.hor$K * 391
cr.hor$wpg2 = NA
cr.hor$oc_d = signif(cr.hor$oc / 1000 * cr.hor$Densidad.Aparente * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(cr.hor$wpg2), 0, cr.hor$wpg2))/100, 3)
cr.sel.h = c("Id", "usiteid", "Fecha", "X", "Y", "labsampnum", "horizonte", "prof_inicio", "prof_final", "id_hz", "Clase.Textural", "ARCILLA", "LIMO", "ARENA", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "pHKCl", "pH_H2O", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "Densidad.Aparente", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = cr.sel.h[which(!cr.sel.h %in% names(cr.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ cr.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.CostaRica = cr.hor[,cr.sel.h]
chemsprops.CostaRica$source_db = "CostaRica"
chemsprops.CostaRica$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.CostaRica$project_url = "http://www.cia.ucr.ac.cr"
chemsprops.CostaRica$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v32i7.42"
chemsprops.CostaRica <- complete.vars(chemsprops.CostaRica, sel=c("oc","pH_H2O","ARCILLA","Densidad.Aparente"), coords = c("X", "Y"))
#> [1] 2042 36 Iran soil profile DB
- Dewan, M. L., & Famouri, J. (1964). The soils of Iran. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.
- Hengl, T., Toomanian, N., Reuter, H. I., & Malakouti, M. J. (2007). Methods to interpolate soil categorical variables from profile observations: Lessons from Iran. Geoderma, 140(4), 417-427.
- Mohammad, H. B. (2000). Soil resources and use potentiality map of Iran. Soil and Water Research Institute, Teheran, Iran.
na.s = c("?","","?.","??", -2147483647, -1.00e+308, "<NA>")
iran.hor = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Iran/iran_sdbana.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = na.s, header = FALSE)[,1:12]
names(iran.hor) = c("site_key", "hzn_desgn", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "ph_h2o", "ec_satp", "oc", "CACO", "PBS", "sand_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "clay_tot_psa")
iran.hor$hzn_top = ifelse(is.na(iran.hor$hzn_top) & iran.hor$hzn_desgn=="A", 0, iran.hor$hzn_top)
iran.hor2 = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Iran/iran_sdbhor.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = na.s, header = FALSE)[,1:8]
names(iran.hor2) = c("site_key", "layer_sequence", "DESI", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "M_colour", "tex_psda", "hzn_desgn")
iran.site = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Iran/iran_sgdb.txt", stringsAsFactors = FALSE, na.strings = na.s, header = FALSE)
names(iran.site) = c("usiteid", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "FAO", "Tax", "site_key")
iran.db = plyr::join_all(list(iran.site, iran.hor, iran.hor2))
iran.db$oc = iran.db$oc * 10
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(iran.db))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ iran.db[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.IRANSPDB = iran.db[,col.names]
chemsprops.IRANSPDB$source_db = "Iran_SPDB"
chemsprops.IRANSPDB$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.IRANSPDB$project_url = ""
chemsprops.IRANSPDB$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2007.04.022"
chemsprops.IRANSPDB <- complete.vars(chemsprops.IRANSPDB, sel=c("oc","ph_h2o","clay_tot_psa"))
#> [1] 4759 36 Northern circumpolar permafrost soil profiles
- Hugelius, G., Bockheim, J. G., Camill, P., Elberling, B., Grosse, G., Harden, J. W., … & Michaelson, G. (2013). A new data set for estimating organic carbon storage to 3 m depth in soils of the northern circumpolar permafrost region. Earth System Science Data (Online), 5(2). Data download URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.5879/ECDS/00000002
ncscd.hors <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/NCSCD/Harden_etal_2012_Hugelius_etal_2013_cleaned_data.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ncscd.hors$oc = as.numeric(ncscd.hors$X.C)*10
#hist(ncscd.hors$Layer.thickness.cm, breaks = 45)
ncscd.hors$Layer.thickness.cm = ifelse(ncscd.hors$Layer.thickness.cm<0, NA, ncscd.hors$Layer.thickness.cm)
ncscd.hors$hzn_bot = ncscd.hors$Basal.Depth.cm + ncscd.hors$Layer.thickness.cm
ncscd.hors$db_od = as.numeric(ncscd.hors$bulk.density.g.cm.3)
## Can we assume no coarse fragments?
ncscd.hors$wpg2 = 0
ncscd.hors$oc_d = signif(ncscd.hors$oc / 1000 * ncscd.hors$db_od * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(ncscd.hors$wpg2), 0, ncscd.hors$wpg2))/100, 3)
## very high values >40 kg/m3
ncscd.hors$site_obsdate = format(as.Date(ncscd.hors$Sample.date, format="%d-%m-%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
ncscd.col = c("Profile.ID", "citation", "site_obsdate", "Long", "Lat", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "Basal.Depth.cm", "hzn_bot", "Horizon.type", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = ncscd.col[which(!ncscd.col %in% names(ncscd.hors))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ ncscd.hors[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.NCSCD = ncscd.hors[,ncscd.col]
chemsprops.NCSCD$source_db = "NCSCD"
chemsprops.NCSCD$confidence_degree = 10
chemsprops.NCSCD$project_url = "https://bolin.su.se/data/ncscd/"
chemsprops.NCSCD$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-5-393-2013"
chemsprops.NCSCD = complete.vars(chemsprops.NCSCD, sel = c("oc","db_od"), coords = c("Long", "Lat"))
#> [1] 7104 36 CSIRO National Soil Site Database
- CSIRO (2020). CSIRO National Soil Site Database. v4. CSIRO. Data Collection. https://data.csiro.au/collections/collection/CIcsiro:7526v004. Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.25919/5eeb2a56eac12 (available upon request)
- Searle, R. (2014). The Australian site data collation to support the GlobalSoilMap. GlobalSoilMap: Basis of the global spatial soil information system, 127.
cmdb <- mdb.get("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Australia/CSIRO/NatSoil_v2_20200612.mdb")
au.obs = cmdb$OBSERVATIONS[,c("s.id", "o.location.notes", "o.date.desc", "o.latitude.GDA94", "o.longitude.GDA94")]
au.obs = au.obs[!is.na(au.obs$o.longitude.GDA94),]
coordinates(au.obs) <- ~o.longitude.GDA94+o.latitude.GDA94
proj4string(au.obs) <- CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=GRS80 +no_defs")
au.xy <- data.frame(spTransform(au.obs, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")))
#plot(au.xy[,c("o.longitude.GDA94", "o.latitude.GDA94")])
## all variables in one column and need to be sorted based on the lab method
#write.csv(cmdb$LAB_METHODS, "/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Australia/CSIRO/NatSoil_v2_20200612_lab_methods.csv")
lab.tbl = list(
c("6_DC", "6A1", "6A1_UC", "6B1", "6B2", "6B2a", "6B2b", "6B3", "6B4", "6B4a", "6B4b", "6Z"), # %
c("6B3a"), # g/kg
c("6H4", "6H4_SCaRP"), # %
c("7_C_B", "7_NR", "7A1", "7A2", "7A2a", "7A2b", "7A3", "7A4", "7A5", "7A6", "7A6a", "7A6b", "7A6b_MCLW"), # g/kg
c("4A1", "4_NR", "4A_C_2.5", "4A_C_1", "4G1"),
c("4C_C_1", "4C1", "4C2", "23A"),
c("4B_C_2.5", "4B1", "4B2"),
c("P10_NR_C", "P10_HYD_C", "P10_PB_C", "P10_PB1_C", "P10_CF_C", "P10_I_C"),
c("P10_NR_Z", "P10_HYD_Z", "P10_PB_Z", "P10_PB1_Z", "P10_CF_Z", "P10_I_Z"),
c("P10_NR_S", "P10_HYD_S", "P10_PB_S", "P10_PB1_S", "P10_CF_S", "P10_I_S"),
c("15C1modCEC", "15_HSK_CEC", "15J_CEC"),
c("15I1", "15I2", "15I3", "15I4", "15D3_CEC"),
c("15_BASES", "15_NR", "15J_H", "15J1"),
c("2Z2_Grav", "P10_GRAV"),
c("503.08a", "P3A_NR", "P3A1", "P3A1_C4", "P3A1_CLOD", "P3A1_e"),
c("18F1_K", "18F2", "18A1mod", "18_NR", "18A1", "18A1_NR", "18B1", "18B2"),
c("3_C_B", "3_NR", "3A_TSS"),
c("3A_C_2.5", "3A1")
names(lab.tbl) = c("oc", "ocP", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_h2o", "ph_kcl", "ph_cacl2", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
val.lst = lapply(1:length(lab.tbl), function(i){x <- cmdb$LAB_RESULTS[cmdb$LAB_RESULTS$labm.code %in% lab.tbl[[i]], c("agency.code", "proj.code", "s.id", "o.id", "h.no", "labr.value")]; names(x)[6] <- names(lab.tbl)[i]; return(x) })
names(val.lst) = names(lab.tbl)
val.lst$oc$oc = val.lst$oc$oc * 10
names(val.lst$ocP)[6] = "oc"
val.lst$oc <- rbind(val.lst$oc, val.lst$ocP)
val.lst$ocP = NULL
#str(val.lst, max.level = 1)
for(i in 1:length(val.lst)){ val.lst[[i]]$h.id <- paste(val.lst[[i]]$agency.code, val.lst[[i]]$proj.code, val.lst[[i]]$s.id, val.lst[[i]]$o.id, val.lst[[i]]$h.no, sep="_") }
au.hor <- plyr::join_all(lapply(val.lst, function(x){x[,6:7]}), match="first")
cmdb$HORIZONS$h.id = paste(cmdb$HORIZONS$agency.code, cmdb$HORIZONS$proj.code, cmdb$HORIZONS$s.id, cmdb$HORIZONS$o.id, cmdb$HORIZONS$h.no, sep="_")
cmdb$HORIZONS$hzn_desgn = paste(cmdb$HORIZONS$h.desig.master, cmdb$HORIZONS$h.desig.subdiv, cmdb$HORIZONS$h.desig.suffix, sep="")
au.horT <- plyr::join_all(list(cmdb$HORIZONS[,c("h.id","s.id","h.no","h.texture","hzn_desgn","h.upper.depth","h.lower.depth")], au.hor, au.xy))
au.horT$site_obsdate = format(as.Date(au.horT$o.date.desc, format="%d%m%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
au.horT$sand_tot_psa = ifelse(is.na(au.horT$sand_tot_psa), 100-(au.horT$clay_tot_psa + au.horT$silt_tot_psa), au.horT$sand_tot_psa)
au.horT$hzn_top = au.horT$h.upper.depth*100
au.horT$hzn_bot = au.horT$h.lower.depth*100
au.horT$oc_d = signif(au.horT$oc / 1000 * au.horT$db_od * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(au.horT$wpg2), 0, au.horT$wpg2))/100, 3)
au.cols.n = c("s.id", "o.location.notes", "site_obsdate", "o.longitude.GDA94", "o.latitude.GDA94", "h.id", "h.no", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "h.texture", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = au.cols.n[which(!au.cols.n %in% names(au.horT))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ au.horT[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.NatSoil = au.horT[,au.cols.n]
chemsprops.NatSoil$source_db = "CSIRO_NatSoil"
chemsprops.NatSoil$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.NatSoil$project_url = "https://www.csiro.au/en/Do-business/Services/Enviro/Soil-archive"
chemsprops.NatSoil$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.25919/5eeb2a56eac12"
chemsprops.NatSoil = complete.vars(chemsprops.NatSoil, sel = c("oc","db_od","clay_tot_psa","ph_h2o"), coords = c("o.longitude.GDA94", "o.latitude.GDA94"))
#> [1] 70791 36 NAMSOTER
- Coetzee, M. E. (2001). NAMSOTER, a SOTER database for Namibia. Agroecological Zoning, 458.
- Coetzee, M. E. (2009). Chemical characterisation of the soils of East Central Namibia (Doctoral dissertation, Stellenbosch: University of Stellenbosch).
nam.profs <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Namibia/NAMSOTER/Namibia_all_profiles.csv", na.strings = c("-9999", "999", "9999", "NA"))
nam.hors <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Namibia/NAMSOTER/Namibia_all_horizons.csv", na.strings = c("-9999", "999", "9999", "NA"))
nam.hors$hzn_top <- NA
nam.hors$hzn_top <- ifelse(nam.hors$HONU==1, 0, nam.hors$hzn_top)
h.lst <- lapply(1:7, function(x){which(nam.hors$HONU==x)})
for(i in 2:7){
sel <- match(nam.hors$PRID[h.lst[[i]]], nam.hors$PRID[h.lst[[i-1]]])
nam.hors$hzn_top[h.lst[[i]]] <- nam.hors$HBDE[h.lst[[i-1]]][sel]
nam.hors$HBDE <- ifelse(is.na(nam.hors$HBDE), nam.hors$hzn_top+50, nam.hors$HBDE)
namALL = plyr::join(nam.hors, nam.profs, by=c("PRID"))
namALL$k_ext = namALL$EXCK * 391
namALL$ca_ext = namALL$EXCA * 200
namALL$mg_ext = namALL$EXMG * 121
namALL$na_ext = namALL$EXNA * 230
namALL$BULK <- ifelse(namALL$BULK>2.4, NA, namALL$BULK)
namALL$wpg2 = ifelse(namALL$MINA=="D", 80, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="A", 60, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="M", 25, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="C", 10, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="V", 1, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="F", 2.5, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="M/A", 40, ifelse(namALL$MINA=="C/M", 15, 0))))))))
namALL$oc_d = signif(namALL$TOTC / 1000 * namALL$BULK * 1000 * (100 - ifelse(is.na(namALL$wpg2), 0, namALL$wpg2))/100, 3)
#summary(namALL$PHAQ) ## very high ph
namALL$site_obsdate = 2000
nam.col = c("PRID", "SLID", "site_obsdate", "LONG", "LATI", "labsampnum", "HONU", "hzn_top", "HBDE", "HODE", "PSCL", "CLPC", "STPC", "SDTO", "TOTC", "oc_d", "c_tot", "TOTN", "PHKC", "PHAQ", "ph_cacl2", "CECS", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "BULK", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ELCO", "ec_12pre")
x.na = nam.col[which(!nam.col %in% names(namALL))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ namALL[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.NAMSOTER = namALL[,nam.col]
chemsprops.NAMSOTER$source_db = "NAMSOTER"
chemsprops.NAMSOTER$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.NAMSOTER$project_url = ""
chemsprops.NAMSOTER$citation_url = "https://edepot.wur.nl/485173"
chemsprops.NAMSOTER = complete.vars(chemsprops.NAMSOTER, sel = c("TOTC","CLPC","PHAQ"), coords = c("LONG", "LATI"))
#> [1] 2953 36 Worldwide organic soil carbon and nitrogen data
Zinke, P. J., Millemann, R. E., & Boden, T. A. (1986). Worldwide organic soil carbon and nitrogen data. Carbon Dioxide Information Center, Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Data download URL: https://dx.doi.org/10.3334/CDIAC/lue.ndp018
Note: poor spatial location accuracy i.e. <10 km. Bulk density for many points has been estimated not measured. Sampling year has not been but literature indicates: 1965, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1984. Most of samples come from natural vegetation (undisturbed) areas.
ndp.profs <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/ISCND/ndp018.csv", na.strings = c("-9999", "?", "NA"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
names(ndp.profs) = c("PROFILE", "CODE", "CARBON", "NITROGEN", "LAT", "LONG", "ELEV", "SOURCE", "HOLDRIGE", "OLSON", "PARENT")
for(j in c("CARBON","NITROGEN","ELEV")){ ndp.profs[,j] <- as.numeric(ndp.profs[,j]) }
lat.s <- grep("S", ndp.profs$LAT) # lat.n <- grep("N", ndp.profs$LAT)
ndp.profs$latitude_decimal_degrees = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", ndp.profs$LAT))
ndp.profs$latitude_decimal_degrees[lat.s] = ndp.profs$latitude_decimal_degrees[lat.s] * -1
lon.w <- grep("W", ndp.profs$LONG) # lon.e <- grep("E", ndp.profs$LONG, fixed = TRUE)
ndp.profs$longitude_decimal_degrees = as.numeric(gsub("[^0-9.-]", "", ndp.profs$LONG))
ndp.profs$longitude_decimal_degrees[lon.w] = ndp.profs$longitude_decimal_degrees[lon.w] * -1
#plot(ndp.profs[,c("longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees")])
ndp.profs$hzn_top = 0; ndp.profs$hzn_bot = 100
## Sampling years from the doc: 1965, 1974, 1976, 1978, 1979, 1984
ndp.profs$site_obsdate = "1982"
ndp.col = c("PROFILE", "CODE", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence","hzn_top","hzn_bot","hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "CARBON", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = ndp.col[which(!ndp.col %in% names(ndp.profs))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ ndp.profs[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.ISCND = ndp.profs[,ndp.col]
chemsprops.ISCND$source_db = "ISCND"
chemsprops.ISCND$confidence_degree = 8
chemsprops.ISCND$project_url = "https://iscn.fluxdata.org/data/"
chemsprops.ISCND$citation_url = "https://dx.doi.org/10.3334/CDIAC/lue.ndp018"
chemsprops.ISCND = complete.vars(chemsprops.ISCND, sel = c("CARBON"), coords = c("longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees"))
#> [1] 3977 36 Interior Alaska Carbon and Nitrogen stocks
- Manies, K., Waldrop, M., and Harden, J. (2020): Generalized models to estimate carbon and nitrogen stocks of organic soil horizons in Interior Alaska, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 1745–1757, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-1745-2020, Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.5066/P960N1F9
al.gps <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/Alaska_Interior/Site_GPS_coordinates_v1-1.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## Different datums!
al.gps1 = al.gps[al.gps$Datum=="NAD83",]
coordinates(al.gps1) = ~ Longitude + Latitude
proj4string(al.gps1) = "+proj=longlat +datum=NAD83"
al.gps0 = spTransform(al.gps1, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
al.gps[which(al.gps$Datum=="NAD83"),"Longitude"] = al.gps0@coords[,1]
al.gps[which(al.gps$Datum=="NAD83"),"Latitude"] = al.gps0@coords[,2]
al.gps$site = al.gps$Site
al.hor <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/USA/Alaska_Interior/Generalized_models_for_CandN_Alaska_v1-1.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
al.hor$hzn_top = al.hor$depth - as.numeric(al.hor$thickness)
al.hor$site_obsdate = format(as.Date(al.hor$date, format = "%m/%d/%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
al.hor$oc = as.numeric(al.hor$carbon) * 10
al.hor$n_tot = as.numeric(al.hor$nitrogen) * 10
al.hor$oc_d = as.numeric(al.hor$Cdensity) * 1000
al.horA = plyr::join(al.hor, al.gps, by=c("site"))
al.col = c("profile", "description", "site_obsdate", "Longitude", "Latitude", "sampleID", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "depth", "Hcode", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "BDfine", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = al.col[which(!al.col %in% names(al.horA))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ al.horA[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.Alaska = al.horA[,al.col]
chemsprops.Alaska$source_db = "Alaska_interior"
chemsprops.Alaska$confidence_degree = 1
chemsprops.Alaska$project_url = "https://www.usgs.gov/centers/gmeg"
chemsprops.Alaska$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-1745-2020"
chemsprops.Alaska = complete.vars(chemsprops.Alaska, sel = c("oc","oc_d"), coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
#> [1] 3882 36 Croatian Soil Pedon data
- Martinović J., (2000) “Tla u Hrvatskoj”, Monografija, Državna uprava za zaštitu prirode i okoliša, str. 269, Zagreb. ISBN: 9536793059
- Bašić F., (2014) “The Soils of Croatia”. World Soils Book Series, Springer Science & Business Media, 179 pp. ISBN: 9400758154
bpht.site <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Croatia/WBSoilHR_sites_1997.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
bpht.hors <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Croatia/WBSoilHR_1997.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## filter typos
for(j in c("GOR", "DON", "MKP", "PH1", "PH2", "MSP", "MP", "MG", "HUM", "EXTN", "EXTP", "EXTK", "CAR")){
bpht.hors[,j] = as.numeric(bpht.hors[,j])
## Convert to the USDA standard
bpht.hors$sand_tot_psa <- bpht.hors$MSP * 0.8 + bpht.hors$MKP
bpht.hors$silt_tot_psa <- bpht.hors$MP + bpht.hors$MSP * 0.2
bpht.hors$oc <- signif(bpht.hors$HUM/1.724 * 10, 3)
## summary(bpht.hors$sand_tot_psa)
bpht.s.lst <- c("site_key", "UZORAK", "Cro16.30_X", "Cro16.30_Y", "FITOC", "STIJENA", "HID_DREN", "DUBINA")
bpht.hor = plyr::join(bpht.site[,bpht.s.lst], bpht.hors)
bpht.hor$wpg2 = bpht.hor$STIJENA
bpht.hor$DON <- ifelse(is.na(bpht.hor$DON), bpht.hor$GOR+50, bpht.hor$DON)
bpht.hor$depth <- bpht.hor$GOR + (bpht.hor$DON - bpht.hor$GOR)/2
bpht.hor = bpht.hor[!is.na(bpht.hor$depth),]
bpht.hor$wpg2[which(bpht.hor$GOR<30)] <- bpht.hor$wpg2[which(bpht.hor$GOR<30)]*.3
bpht.hor$sample_key = make.unique(paste(bpht.hor$PEDOL_ID, bpht.hor$OZN, sep="_"))
bpht.hor$sand_tot_psa[bpht.hor$sample_key=="805_Amo"] <- bpht.hor$sand_tot_psa[bpht.hor$sample_key=="805_Amo"]/10
## convert N, P, K
#summary(bpht.hor$EXTK) -- measurements units?
bpht.hor$p_ext = bpht.hor$EXTP * 4.364
bpht.hor$k_ext = bpht.hor$EXTK * 8.3013
bpht.hor = bpht.hor[!is.na(bpht.hor$`Cro16.30_X`),]
## coordinates:
bpht.pnts = SpatialPointsDataFrame(bpht.hor[,c("Cro16.30_X","Cro16.30_Y")], bpht.hor["site_key"], proj4string = CRS("+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=16.5 +k=0.9999 +x_0=2500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel +towgs84=550.499,164.116,475.142,5.80967,2.07902,-11.62386,0.99999445824 +units=m"))
bpht.pnts.ll <- spTransform(bpht.pnts, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84"))
bpht.hor$longitude_decimal_degrees = bpht.pnts.ll@coords[,1]
bpht.hor$latitude_decimal_degrees = bpht.pnts.ll@coords[,2]
bpht.h.lst <- c('site_key', 'OZ_LIST_PROF', 'UZORAK', 'longitude_decimal_degrees', 'latitude_decimal_degrees', 'labsampnum', 'layer_sequence', 'GOR', 'DON', 'OZN', 'TT', 'MG', 'silt_tot_psa', 'sand_tot_psa', 'oc', 'oc_d', 'c_tot', 'EXTN', 'PH2', 'PH1', 'ph_cacl2', 'cec_sum', 'cec_nh4', 'ecec', 'wpg2', 'db_od', 'ca_ext', 'mg_ext', 'na_ext', 'k_ext', 'ec_satp', 'ec_12pre')
x.na = bpht.h.lst[which(!bpht.h.lst %in% names(bpht.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ bpht.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.bpht = bpht.hor[,bpht.h.lst]
chemsprops.bpht$source_db = "Croatian_Soil_Pedon"
chemsprops.bpht$confidence_degree = 1
chemsprops.bpht$project_url = "http://www.haop.hr/"
chemsprops.bpht$citation_url = "https://books.google.nl/books?id=k_a2MgAACAAJ"
chemsprops.bpht = complete.vars(chemsprops.bpht, sel = c("oc","MG","PH1","k_ext"))
#> [1] 5746 36 Remnant native SOC database
- Sanderman, J., (2017) “Remnant native SOC database for release.xlsx”, Soil carbon profile data from paired land use comparisons, https://doi.org/10.7910/DVN/QQQM8V/8MSBNI, Harvard Dataverse, V1
rem.hor <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/WHRC_remnant_SOC/remnant+native+SOC+database+for+release.xlsx", sheet = 3)
rem.site <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/WHRC_remnant_SOC/remnant+native+SOC+database+for+release.xlsx", sheet = 2)
rem.ref <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/WHRC_remnant_SOC/remnant+native+SOC+database+for+release.xlsx", sheet = 4)
rem.site = plyr::join(rem.site, rem.ref[,c("Source.No.","DOI","Sample_year")], by=c("Source.No."))
rem.site$Site = rem.site$Site.ID
rem.horA = plyr::join(rem.hor, rem.site, by=c("Site"))
rem.horA$hzn_top = rem.horA$'U_depth.(m)'*100
rem.horA$hzn_bot = rem.horA$'L_depth.(m)'*100
rem.horA$db_od = ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(rem.horA$'measured.BD.(Mg/m3)')), as.numeric(rem.horA$'estimated.BD.(Mg/m3)'), as.numeric(rem.horA$'measured.BD.(Mg/m3)'))
rem.horA$oc_d = signif(rem.horA$'OC.(g/kg)' * rem.horA$db_od, 3)
rem.col = c("Source.No.", "Site", "Sample_year", "Longitude", "Latitude", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "OC.(g/kg)", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = rem.col[which(!rem.col %in% names(rem.horA))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ rem.horA[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.RemnantSOC = rem.horA[,rem.col]
chemsprops.RemnantSOC$source_db = "WHRC_remnant_SOC"
chemsprops.RemnantSOC$confidence_degree = 8
chemsprops.RemnantSOC$project_url = "https://www.woodwellclimate.org/research-area/carbon/"
chemsprops.RemnantSOC$citation_url = "http://dx.doi.org/10.1073/pnas.1706103114"
chemsprops.RemnantSOC = complete.vars(chemsprops.RemnantSOC, sel = c("OC.(g/kg)","oc_d"), coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
#> [1] 1604 36 Soil Health DB
- Jian, J., Du, X., & Stewart, R. D. (2020). A database for global soil health assessment. Scientific Data, 7(1), 1-8. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0356-3. Data download URL: https://github.com/jinshijian/SoilHealthDB
Note: some information is available about column names (https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-020-0356-3/tables/3) but detailed explanation is missing.
shdb.hor <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/SoilHealthDB/SoilHealthDB_V2.xlsx", sheet = 1, na.strings = c("NA", "NotAvailable", "Not-available"))
shdb.hor$hzn_top = as.numeric(sapply(shdb.hor$SamplingDepth, function(i){ strsplit(i, "-to-")[[1]][1] }))
shdb.hor$hzn_bot = as.numeric(sapply(shdb.hor$SamplingDepth, function(i){ strsplit(i, "-to-")[[1]][2] }))
shdb.hor$hzn_top = ifelse(is.na(shdb.hor$hzn_top), 0, shdb.hor$hzn_top)
shdb.hor$hzn_bot = ifelse(is.na(shdb.hor$hzn_bot), 15, shdb.hor$hzn_bot)
shdb.hor$oc = as.numeric(shdb.hor$BackgroundSOC) * 10
shdb.hor$oc_d = signif(shdb.hor$oc * shdb.hor$SoilBD, 3)
for(j in c("ClayPerc", "SiltPerc", "SandPerc", "SoilpH")){ shdb.hor[,j] <- as.numeric(shdb.hor[,j]) }
shdb.col = c("StudyID", "ExperimentID", "SamplingYear", "Longitude", "Latitude", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "hzn_desgn", "Texture", "ClayPerc", "SiltPerc", "SandPerc", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "SoilpH", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "SoilBD", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = shdb.col[which(!shdb.col %in% names(shdb.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ shdb.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.SoilHealthDB = shdb.hor[,shdb.col]
chemsprops.SoilHealthDB$source_db = "SoilHealthDB"
chemsprops.SoilHealthDB$confidence_degree = 8
chemsprops.SoilHealthDB$project_url = "https://github.com/jinshijian/SoilHealthDB"
chemsprops.SoilHealthDB$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-020-0356-3"
chemsprops.SoilHealthDB = complete.vars(chemsprops.SoilHealthDB, sel = c("ClayPerc", "SoilpH", "oc"), coords = c("Longitude", "Latitude"))
#> [1] 120 36 Global Harmonized Dataset of SOC change under perennial crops
- Ledo, A., Hillier, J., Smith, P. et al. (2019) A global, empirical, harmonised dataset of soil organic carbon changes under perennial crops. Sci Data 6, 57. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0062-1. Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.7637210.v2
socpdb <- readxl::read_excel("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/INT/SOCPDB/SOC_perennials_DATABASE.xls", skip=1, sheet = 1)
socpdb$year_measure = ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(socpdb$year_measure)), as.numeric(socpdb$yearPpub)-5, as.numeric(socpdb$year_measure))
socpdb$year_measure = ifelse(socpdb$year_measure<1960, NA, socpdb$year_measure)
socpdb$depth_current = socpdb$soil_to_cm_current - socpdb$soil_from_cm_current
socpdb = socpdb[socpdb$depth_current>5,]
socpdb$SOC_g_kg_current = ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(socpdb$SOC_g_kg_current)), as.numeric(socpdb$SOC_Mg_ha_current) / (socpdb$depth_current/100 * as.numeric(socpdb$bulk_density_Mg_m3_current) * 1000) * 10, as.numeric(socpdb$SOC_g_kg_current))
socpdb$depth_previous = socpdb$soil_to_cm_previous - socpdb$soil_from_cm_previous
socpdb$SOC_g_kg_previous = ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(socpdb$SOC_g_kg_previous)), as.numeric(socpdb$SOC_Mg_ha_previous) / (socpdb$depth_previous/100 * as.numeric(socpdb$Bulkdensity_previous) * 1000) * 10, as.numeric(socpdb$SOC_g_kg_previous))
hor.b = which(names(socpdb) %in% c("ID", "plotID", "Longitud", "Latitud", "year_measure", "years_since_luc", "USDA", "original_source"))
socpdb1 = socpdb[,c(hor.b, grep("_current", names(socpdb)))]
## 10 yrs median
socpdb1$site_obsdate = socpdb1$year_measure
socpdb2 = socpdb[,c(hor.b, grep("_previous", names(socpdb)))]
socpdb2$site_obsdate = socpdb2$year_measure - ifelse(is.na(as.numeric(socpdb2$years_since_luc)), 10, as.numeric(socpdb2$years_since_luc))
colnames(socpdb2) <- sub("_previous", "_current", colnames(socpdb2))
nm.socpdb = c("site_key", "usiteid", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "ph_h2o", "db_od")
sel.socdpb1 = c("ID", "original_source", "site_obsdate", "Longitud", "Latitud", "soil_from_cm_current", "soil_to_cm_current", "%clay_current", "%silt_current", "%sand_current", "SOC_g_kg_current", "ph_current", "bulk_density_Mg_m3_current")
sel.socdpb2 = c("ID", "original_source", "site_obsdate", "Longitud", "Latitud", "soil_from_cm_current", "soil_to_cm_current", "%clay_current", "%silt_current", "%sand_current", "SOC_g_kg_current", "ph_current", "Bulkdensity_current")
socpdbALL = as.data.frame(dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(list(socpdb1[,sel.socdpb1], socpdb2[,sel.socdpb2]), function(i){ dplyr::mutate_all(setNames(i, nm.socpdb), as.character) })))
for(j in 1:ncol(socpdbALL)){ socpdbALL[,j] <- as.numeric(socpdbALL[,j]) }
#summary(socpdbALL$oc) ## mean = 15
socpdbALL$oc_d = signif(socpdbALL$oc * socpdbALL$db_od, 3)
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(socpdbALL))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ socpdbALL[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.SOCPDB <- socpdbALL[,col.names]
chemsprops.SOCPDB$source_db = "SOCPDB"
chemsprops.SOCPDB$confidence_degree = 5
chemsprops.SOCPDB$project_url = "https://africap.info/"
chemsprops.SOCPDB$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1038/s41597-019-0062-1"
chemsprops.SOCPDB = complete.vars(chemsprops.SOCPDB, sel = c("oc","ph_h2o","clay_tot_psa"))
#> [1] 1526 36 Stocks of organic carbon in German agricultural soils (BZE_LW)
- Poeplau, C., Jacobs, A., Don, A., Vos, C., Schneider, F., Wittnebel, M., … & Flessa, H. (2020). Stocks of organic carbon in German agricultural soils—Key results of the first comprehensive inventory. Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 183(6), 665-681. https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202000113. Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.3220/DATA20200203151139
Note: For protection of data privacy, the coordinate was randomly generated within a radius of 4-km around the planned sampling point. This data is hence probably not suitable for spatial analysis, predictive soil mapping.
site.de <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Germany/SITE.xlsx", sheet = 1)
site.de$site_obsdate = format(as.Date(paste0("01-", site.de$Sampling_month, "-", site.de$Sampling_year), format="%d-%m-%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
site.de.xy = site.de[,c("PointID","xcoord","ycoord")]
## 3104
coordinates(site.de.xy) <- ~xcoord+ycoord
proj4string(site.de.xy) <- CRS("+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs")
site.de.ll <- data.frame(spTransform(site.de.xy, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")))
site.de$longitude_decimal_degrees = site.de.ll[,2]
site.de$latitude_decimal_degrees = site.de.ll[,3]
hor.de <- openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Germany/LABORATORY_DATA.xlsx", sheet = 1)
#hor.de = plyr::join(openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Germany/LABORATORY_DATA.xlsx", sheet = 1), openxlsx::read.xlsx("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Germany/HORIZON_DATA.xlsx", sheet = 1), by="PointID")
## 17,189 rows
horALL.de = plyr::join(hor.de, site.de, by="PointID")
## Sand content [Mass-%]; grain size 63-2000µm (DIN ISO 11277)
horALL.de$sand_tot_psa <- horALL.de$gS + horALL.de$mS + horALL.de$fS + 0.2 * horALL.de$gU
horALL.de$silt_tot_psa <- horALL.de$fU + horALL.de$mU + 0.8 * horALL.de$gU
## Convert millisiemens/meter [mS/m] to microsiemens/centimeter [μS/cm, uS/cm]
horALL.de$ec_satp = horALL.de$EC_H2O / 10
hor.sel.de <- c("PointID", "Main.soil.type", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "Layer.upper.limit", "Layer.lower.limit", "hzn_desgn", "Soil.texture.class", "Clay", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "TOC", "oc_d", "TC", "TN", "ph_kcl", "pH_H2O", "pH_CaCl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "Rock.fragment.fraction", "BD_FS", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
#summary(horALL.de$TOC) ## mean = 12.3
#summary(horALL.de$BD_FS) ## mean = 1.41
horALL.de$oc_d = signif(horALL.de$TOC * horALL.de$BD_FS * (1-horALL.de$Rock.fragment.fraction/100), 3)
x.na = hor.sel.de[which(!hor.sel.de %in% names(horALL.de))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ horALL.de[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.BZE_LW <- horALL.de[,hor.sel.de]
chemsprops.BZE_LW$source_db = "BZE_LW"
chemsprops.BZE_LW$confidence_degree = 3
chemsprops.BZE_LW$project_url = "https://www.thuenen.de/de/ak/"
chemsprops.BZE_LW$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1002/jpln.202000113"
chemsprops.BZE_LW = complete.vars(chemsprops.BZE_LW, sel = c("TOC", "pH_H2O", "Clay"))
#> [1] 17187 36 AARDEWERK-Vlaanderen-2010
- Beckers, V., Jacxsens, P., Van De Vreken, Ph., Van Meirvenne, M., Van Orshoven, J. (2011). Gebruik en installatie van de bodemdatabank AARDEWERK-Vlaanderen-2010. Spatial Applications Division Leuven, Belgium. Data download URL: https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be/geonetwork/home/api/records/78e15dd4-8070-4220-afac-258ea040fb30
- Ottoy, S., Beckers, V., Jacxsens, P., Hermy, M., & Van Orshoven, J. (2015). Multi-level statistical soil profiles for assessing regional soil organic carbon stocks. Geoderma, 253, 12-20. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.04.001
site.vl <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Belgium/Vlaanderen/Aardewerk-Vlaanderen-2010_Profiel.csv")
site.vl$site_obsdate = format(as.Date(sapply(site.vl$Profilering_Datum, function(i){strsplit(i, " ")[[1]][1]}), format="%d-%m-%Y"), "%Y-%m-%d")
site.vl.xy = site.vl[,c("ID","Coordinaat_Lambert72_X","Coordinaat_Lambert72_Y")]
## 7020
site.vl.xy = site.vl.xy[complete.cases(site.vl.xy),]
coordinates(site.vl.xy) <- ~Coordinaat_Lambert72_X+Coordinaat_Lambert72_Y
proj4string(site.vl.xy) <- CRS("+init=epsg:31300")
site.vl.ll <- data.frame(spTransform(site.vl.xy, CRS("+proj=longlat +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84")))
site.vl$longitude_decimal_degrees = join(site.vl["ID"], site.vl.ll, by="ID")$Coordinaat_Lambert72_X
site.vl$latitude_decimal_degrees = join(site.vl["ID"], site.vl.ll, by="ID")$Coordinaat_Lambert72_Y
site.vl$Profiel_ID = site.vl$ID
hor.vl <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Belgium/Vlaanderen/Aardewerk-Vlaanderen-2010_Horizont.csv")
## 42,529 rows
horALL.vl = plyr::join(hor.vl, site.vl, by="Profiel_ID")
horALL.vl$oc = horALL.vl$Humus*10 /1.724
summary(horALL.vl$oc) ## mean = 7.8
horALL.vl$hzn_top <- rowSums(horALL.vl[,c("Diepte_grens_boven1", "Diepte_grens_boven2")], na.rm=TRUE)/2
horALL.vl$hzn_bot <- rowSums(horALL.vl[,c("Diepte_grens_onder1","Diepte_grens_onder2")], na.rm=TRUE)/2
horALL.vl$sand_tot_psa <- horALL.vl$T50_100 + horALL.vl$T100_200 + horALL.vl$T200_500 + horALL.vl$T500_1000 + horALL.vl$T1000_2000
horALL.vl$silt_tot_psa <- horALL.vl$T2_10 + horALL.vl$T10_20 + horALL.vl$T20_50
horALL.vl$tex_psda = paste0(horALL.vl$HorizontTextuur_code1, horALL.vl$HorizontTextuur_code2)
## some corrupt coordinates
horALL.vl <- horALL.vl[horALL.vl$latitude_decimal_degrees > 50.6,]
hor.sel.vl <- c("Profiel_ID", "Bodemgroep", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "labsampnum", "Hor_nr", "hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "Naam", "tex_psda", "T0_2", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "pH_KCl", "pH_H2O", "ph_cacl2", "Sorptiecapaciteit_Totaal", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "Tgroter_dan_2000", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = hor.sel.vl[which(!hor.sel.vl %in% names(horALL.vl))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ horALL.vl[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.Vlaanderen <- horALL.vl[,hor.sel.vl]
chemsprops.Vlaanderen$source_db = "Vlaanderen"
chemsprops.Vlaanderen$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.Vlaanderen$project_url = "https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be"
chemsprops.Vlaanderen$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.1016/j.geoderma.2015.04.001"
chemsprops.Vlaanderen = complete.vars(chemsprops.Vlaanderen, sel = c("oc", "pH_H2O", "T0_2"))
#> [1] 41310 36 Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database
- Pfeiffer, M., Padarian, J., Osorio, R., Bustamante, N., Olmedo, G. F., Guevara, M., et al. (2020) CHLSOC: the Chilean Soil Organic Carbon database, a multi-institutional collaborative effort. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 12, 457–468, https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-457-2020. Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/NMYS3
chl.hor <- read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Chile/CHLSOC/CHLSOC_v1.0.csv", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
chl.hor$oc = chl.hor$oc*10
chl.hor$oc_d = signif(chl.hor$oc * chl.hor$bd * (100 - ifelse(is.na(chl.hor$crf), 0, chl.hor$crf))/100, 3)
chl.col = c("ProfileID", "usiteid", "year", "long", "lat", "labsampnum", "layer_sequence", "top", "bottom", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum", "cec_nh4", "ecec", "crf", "bd", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "ec_satp", "ec_12pre")
x.na = chl.col[which(!chl.col %in% names(chl.hor))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ chl.hor[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.CHLSOC = chl.hor[,chl.col]
chemsprops.CHLSOC$source_db = "Chilean_SOCDB"
chemsprops.CHLSOC$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.CHLSOC$project_url = "https://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/NMYS3"
chemsprops.CHLSOC$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5194/essd-12-457-2020"
chemsprops.CHLSOC = complete.vars(chemsprops.CHLSOC, sel = c("oc", "bd"), coords = c("long", "lat"))
#> [1] 16371 36 Scotland (NSIS_1)
- Lilly, A., Bell, J.S., Hudson, G., Nolan, A.J. & Towers. W. (Compilers) (2010). National soil inventory of Scotland (NSIS_1); site location, sampling and profile description protocols. (1978-1988). Technical Bulletin. Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4650230. Data download URL: https://www.hutton.ac.uk/learning/natural-resource-datasets/soilshutton/soils-maps-scotland/download
sco.xy = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Scotland/NSIS_10km.csv")
coordinates(sco.xy) = ~ easting + northing
proj4string(sco.xy) = "EPSG:27700"
sco.ll = as.data.frame(spTransform(sco.xy, CRS("EPSG:4326")))
sco.ll$site_obsdate = as.numeric(sapply(sco.ll$profile_da, function(x){substr(x, nchar(x)-3, nchar(x))}))
## no points after 1990!!
sco.in.name = c("profile_id", "site_obsdate", "easting", "northing", "horz_top", "horz_botto",
"horz_symb", "sample_id", "texture_ps",
"sand_int", "silt_int", "clay", "carbon", "nitrogen", "ph_h2o", "exch_ca",
"exch_mg", "exch_na", "exch_k", "sum_cation")
#sco.in.name[which(!sco.in.name %in% names(sco.ll))]
sco.x = as.data.frame(sco.ll[,sco.in.name])
#sco.x = sco.x[!sco.x$sample_id==0,]
sco.out.name = c("usiteid", "site_obsdate", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees",
"hzn_bot", "hzn_top", "hzn_desgn", "labsampnum", "tex_psda", "sand_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa",
"clay_tot_psa", "oc", "n_tot", "ph_h2o", "ca_ext",
"mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext", "cec_sum")
## translate values
sco.fun.lst = as.list(rep("as.numeric(x)*1", length(sco.in.name)))
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="profile_id")]] = "paste(x)"
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="exch_ca")]] = "as.numeric(x)*200"
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="exch_mg")]] = "as.numeric(x)*121"
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="exch_k")]] = "as.numeric(x)*391"
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="exch_na")]] = "as.numeric(x)*230"
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="carbon")]] = "as.numeric(x)*10"
sco.fun.lst[[which(sco.in.name=="nitrogen")]] = "as.numeric(x)*10"
## save translation rules:
write.csv(data.frame(sco.in.name, sco.out.name, unlist(sco.fun.lst)), "scotland_soilab_transvalues.csv")
sco.soil = transvalues(sco.x, sco.out.name, sco.in.name, sco.fun.lst)
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(sco.soil))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ sco.soil[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1 = sco.soil[,col.names]
chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1$source_db = "ScotlandNSIS1"
chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1$confidence_degree = 2
chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1$project_url = "http://soils.environment.gov.scot/"
chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4650230"
chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1 = complete.vars(chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1, sel = c("oc", "ph_h2o", "clay_tot_psa"))
#> [1] 2977 36 Ecoforest map of Quebec, Canada
- Duchesne, L., Ouimet, R., (2021). Digital mapping of soil texture in ecoforest polygons in Quebec, Canada. PeerJ 9:e11685 https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.11685. Data download URL: https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.11685/supp-1
que.xy = read.csv("/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/Canada/Quebec/RawData.csv")
## horizon depths were not measured - we assume 15-30 and 30-80
que.xy$hzn_top = ifelse(que.xy$Horizon=="B", 15, 30)
que.xy$hzn_bot = ifelse(que.xy$Horizon=="B", 30, 80)
que.xy$site_key = que.xy$usiteid
que.xy$latitude_decimal_degrees = que.xy$Latitude
que.xy$longitude_decimal_degrees = que.xy$Longitude
que.xy$hzn_desgn = que.xy$Horizon
que.xy$sand_tot_psa = que.xy$PC_Sand
que.xy$silt_tot_psa = que.xy$PC_Silt
que.xy$clay_tot_psa = que.xy$PC_Clay
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(que.xy))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ que.xy[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.QuebecTEX = que.xy[,col.names]
chemsprops.QuebecTEX$source_db = "QuebecTEX"
chemsprops.QuebecTEX$confidence_degree = 4
chemsprops.QuebecTEX$project_url = ""
chemsprops.QuebecTEX$citation_url = "https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.11685"
chemsprops.QuebecTEX = complete.vars(chemsprops.QuebecTEX, sel = c("clay_tot_psa"))
#> [1] 26648 36 Pseudo-observations
- Pseudo-observations using simulated points (world deserts)
## 0 soil organic carbon + 98% sand content (deserts)
nut.sim <- as.data.frame(spTransform(deserts.pnt, CRS("+proj=longlat +datum=WGS84")))
nut.sim[,1] <- NULL
nut.sim <- plyr::rename(nut.sim, c("x"="longitude_decimal_degrees", "y"="latitude_decimal_degrees"))
nr = nrow(nut.sim)
nut.sim$site_key <- paste("Simulated", 1:nr, sep="_")
## insert zeros for all nutrients except for the once we are not sure:
## http://www.decodedscience.org/chemistry-sahara-sand-elements-dunes/45828
sim.vars = c("oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ecec", "clay_tot_psa", "mg_ext", "k_ext")
nut.sim[,sim.vars] <- 0
nut.sim$silt_tot_psa = 2
nut.sim$sand_tot_psa = 98
nut.sim$hzn_top = 0
nut.sim$hzn_bot = 30
nut.sim$db_od = 1.55
nut.sim2 = nut.sim
nut.sim2$silt_tot_psa = 1
nut.sim2$sand_tot_psa = 99
nut.sim2$hzn_top = 30
nut.sim2$hzn_bot = 60
nut.sim2$db_od = 1.6
nut.simA = rbind(nut.sim, nut.sim2)
nut.simA$source_db = "Simulated"
nut.simA$confidence_degree = 10
x.na = col.names[which(!col.names %in% names(nut.simA))]
if(length(x.na)>0){ for(i in x.na){ nut.simA[,i] = NA } }
chemsprops.SIM = nut.simA[,col.names]
chemsprops.SIM$project_url = "https://gitlab.com/openlandmap/"
chemsprops.SIM$citation_url = "https://gitlab.com/openlandmap/compiled-ess-point-data-sets/"
#> [1] 718 36
Other potential large soil profile DBs of interest:
- Shangguan, W., Dai, Y., Liu, B., Zhu, A., Duan, Q., Wu, L., … & Chen, D. (2013). A China data set of soil properties for land surface modeling. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 5(2), 212-224.
- Salković, E., Djurović, I., Knežević, M., Popović-Bugarin, V., & Topalović, A. (2018). Digitization and mapping of national legacy soil data of Montenegro. Soil and Water Research, 13(2), 83-89. https://doi.org/10.17221/81/2017-SWR
Bind all datasets Bind and clean-up
#> [1] "chemsprops.AfSIS1" "chemsprops.AfSPDB"
#> [3] "chemsprops.Alaska" "chemsprops.bpht"
#> [5] "chemsprops.BZE_LW" "chemsprops.CAPERM"
#> [7] "chemsprops.CHLSOC" "chemsprops.CNSOT"
#> [9] "chemsprops.CostaRica" "chemsprops.CUFS"
#> [11] "chemsprops.EGRPR" "chemsprops.FEBR"
#> [13] "chemsprops.FIADB" "chemsprops.FRED"
#> [15] "chemsprops.GEMAS" "chemsprops.GROOT"
#> [17] "chemsprops.IRANSPDB" "chemsprops.ISCND"
#> [19] "chemsprops.LandPKS" "chemsprops.LUCAS"
#> [21] "chemsprops.LUCAS2" "chemsprops.Mangroves"
#> [23] "chemsprops.NAMSOTER" "chemsprops.NatSoil"
#> [25] "chemsprops.NCSCD" "chemsprops.NCSS"
#> [27] "chemsprops.NPDB" "chemsprops.Peatlands"
#> [29] "chemsprops.PRONASOLOS" "chemsprops.QuebecTEX"
#> [31] "chemsprops.RaCA" "chemsprops.RemnantSOC"
#> [33] "chemsprops.ScotlandNSIS1" "chemsprops.SIM"
#> [35] "chemsprops.SISLAC" "chemsprops.SOCPDB"
#> [37] "chemsprops.SoDaH" "chemsprops.SoilHealthDB"
#> [39] "chemsprops.SRDB" "chemsprops.USGS.NGS"
#> [41] "chemsprops.Vlaanderen" "chemsprops.WISE"
tot_sprops = dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(ls(pattern=glob2rx("chemsprops.*")), function(i){ mutate_all(setNames(get(i), col.names), as.character) }))
## convert to numeric:
for(j in c("longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "layer_sequence",
"hzn_top", "hzn_bot", "clay_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa",
"oc", "oc_d", "c_tot", "n_tot", "ph_kcl", "ph_h2o", "ph_cacl2", "cec_sum",
"cec_nh4", "ecec", "wpg2", "db_od", "ca_ext", "mg_ext", "na_ext", "k_ext",
"ec_satp", "ec_12pre")){
tot_sprops[,j] = as.numeric(tot_sprops[,j])
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
Clean up typos and physically impossible values:
tex.rm = rowSums(tot_sprops[,c("clay_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa")])
#> Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max. NA's
#> -2997.00 100.00 100.00 99.39 100.00 500.00 274336
for(j in c("clay_tot_psa", "sand_tot_psa", "silt_tot_psa", "wpg2")){
tot_sprops[,j] = ifelse(tot_sprops[,j]>100|tot_sprops[,j]<0, NA, tot_sprops[,j])
tot_sprops[,j] = ifelse(tex.rm<99|is.na(tex.rm)|tex.rm>101, NA, tot_sprops[,j])
for(j in c("ph_h2o","ph_kcl","ph_cacl2")){
tot_sprops[,j] = ifelse(tot_sprops[,j]>12|tot_sprops[,j]<2, NA, tot_sprops[,j])
for(j in c("db_od")){
tot_sprops[,j] = ifelse(tot_sprops[,j]>2.4|tot_sprops[,j]<0.05, NA, tot_sprops[,j])
for(j in c("oc")){
tot_sprops[,j] = ifelse(tot_sprops[,j]>800|tot_sprops[,j]<0, NA, tot_sprops[,j])
Fill-in the missing depths:
## soil layer depth (middle)
tot_sprops$hzn_depth = tot_sprops$hzn_top + (tot_sprops$hzn_bot-tot_sprops$hzn_top)/2
#> logical 766689 5465
## Note: large number of horizons without a depth
tot_sprops = tot_sprops[!is.na(tot_sprops$hzn_depth),]
#quantile(tot_sprops$hzn_depth, c(0.01,0.99), na.rm=TRUE)
tot_sprops$hzn_depth = ifelse(tot_sprops$hzn_depth<0, 10, ifelse(tot_sprops$hzn_depth>800, 800, tot_sprops$hzn_depth))
#hist(tot_sprops$hzn_depth, breaks=45)
Summary number of points per data source:
#> AfSIS1 AfSPDB Alaska_interior BZE_LW
#> 4162 60277 3880 17187
#> Canada_CUFS Canada_NPDB Canada_subarctic Chilean_SOCDB
#> 15162 14900 1180 16358
#> China_SOTER CIFOR CostaRica Croatian_Soil_Pedon
#> 5105 561 2029 5746
#> 70688 7804 23208 625
#> 4131 718 4677 3977
#> 23278 41644 21272 21859
#> 7733 2941 7082 31655
#> QuebecTEX RaCA2016 Russia_EGRPR ScotlandNSIS1
#> 26648 53663 4437 2977
#> Simulated SISLAC SOCPDB SoDaH
#> 718 49416 1526 17766
#> 120 1596 135671 9398
#> Vlaanderen WHRC_remnant_SOC
#> 41310 1604
Add unique row identifier
tot_sprops$uuid = openssl::md5(make.unique(paste("OpenLandMap", tot_sprops$site_key, tot_sprops$layer_sequence, sep="_")))
and unique location based on the Open Location Code:
tot_sprops$olc_id = olctools::encode_olc(tot_sprops$latitude_decimal_degrees, tot_sprops$longitude_decimal_degrees, 11)
#> [1] 205687
## 205,620
tot_sprops.pnts = tot_sprops[!duplicated(tot_sprops$olc_id),c("site_key", "source_db", "longitude_decimal_degrees", "latitude_decimal_degrees", "site_obsdate", "olc_id", "project_url", "citation_url")]
coordinates(tot_sprops.pnts) <- ~ longitude_decimal_degrees + latitude_decimal_degrees
proj4string(tot_sprops.pnts) <- "EPSG:4326"
Remove points falling in the sea or similar:
#mask = terra::rast("./layers1km/lcv_landmask_esacci.lc.l4_c_1km_s0..0cm_2000..2015_v1.0.tif")
mask = terra::rast("/mnt/diskstation/data/LandGIS/layers250m/lcv_landmask_esacci.lc.l4_c_250m_s0..0cm_2000..2015_v1.0.tif")
ov.sprops <- terra::extract(mask, terra::vect(tot_sprops.pnts)) ## TAKES 2 mins
if(sum(is.na(ov.sprops[,2]))>0 | sum(ov.sprops[,2]==2)>0){
rem.lst = which(is.na(ov.sprops[,2]) | ov.sprops[,2]==2 | ov.sprops[,2]==4)
rem.sp = tot_sprops.pnts$site_key[rem.lst]
tot_sprops.pnts = tot_sprops.pnts[-rem.lst,]
## final number of unique spatial locations:
#> [1] 205687
## 203,107 Histogram plots
Have in mind that some datasets only represent top-soil (e.g. LUCAS) while other cover the whole soil depth, hence higher mean values for some regions (Europe) should be considered within the context of diverse soil depths.
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=log1p(oc))) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning: Removed 195328 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
sel.db = c("ISRIC_WISE", "Canada_CUFS", "USDA_NCSS", "AfSPDB", "Canada_NPDB", "FIADB", "PRONASOLOS", "CSIRO_NatSoil")
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db,], x = "hzn_depth", y = "oc", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.x = TRUE, log.y=TRUE, ylab="SOC wprm", xlab="depth in cm")
Note: FIADB includes litter and the soil samples are taken at fixed depths. Canada dataset also shows SOC content for peatlands.
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=db_od)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning: Removed 537198 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db,], x = "oc", y = "db_od", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.x=TRUE, ylab="Bulk density", xlab="SOC wprm")
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=log1p(oc_d))) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning in log1p(oc_d): NaNs produced
#> Warning in log1p(oc_d): NaNs produced
#> Warning: Removed 561232 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
sel.db0 = c("ISRIC_WISE", "Canada_CUFS", "USDA_NCSS", "AfSPDB", "PRONASOLOS", "CSIRO_NatSoil")
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db0,], x = "oc", y = "oc_d", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.x=TRUE, log.y=TRUE, xlab="SOC wprm", ylab="SOC kg/m3")
Note: SOC (%) and SOC density (kg/m3) are almost linear relationship (curving toward fixed value), except for organic soils (especially litter) where relationship is slightly shifted.
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db0,], x = "oc", y = "n_tot", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.x=TRUE, log.y=TRUE, xlab="SOC wprm", ylab="N total wprm")
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=ph_h2o)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning: Removed 270562 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% c("ISRIC_WISE", "USDA_NCSS", "AfSPDB"),], x = "ph_kcl", y = "ph_h2o", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", xlab="soil pH KCl", ylab="soil pH H2O")
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db0,], x = "hzn_depth", y = "ph_h2o", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.x = TRUE, log.y=TRUE, ylab="soil pH H2O", xlab="depth in cm")
Note: there seems to be no apparent correlation between soil pH and soil depth.
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% c("ISRIC_WISE", "USDA_NCSS", "AfSPDB", "PRONASOLOS"),], x = "ph_h2o", y = "cec_sum", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.y=TRUE, ylab="CEC", xlab="soil pH H2O")
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db0,], x = "ph_h2o", y = "oc", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.y=TRUE, ylab="SOC wprm", xlab="soil pH H2O")
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=clay_tot_psa)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning: Removed 279635 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
openair::scatterPlot(tot_sprops[tot_sprops$source_db %in% sel.db0,], y = "clay_tot_psa", x = "sand_tot_psa", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", ylab="clay %", xlab="sand %")
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=log1p(cec_sum))) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning in log1p(cec_sum): NaNs produced
#> Warning in log1p(cec_sum): NaNs produced
#> Warning: Removed 514240 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=log1p(n_tot))) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning in log1p(n_tot): NaNs produced
#> Warning in log1p(n_tot): NaNs produced
#> Warning: Removed 446028 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=log1p(k_ext))) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning in log1p(k_ext): NaNs produced
#> Warning in log1p(k_ext): NaNs produced
#> Warning: Removed 523010 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
ggplot(tot_sprops, aes(x=source_db, y=log1p(ec_satp))) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning: Removed 608509 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
sprops_yrs = tot_sprops[!is.na(tot_sprops$site_obsdate),c("site_obsdate", "source_db", "oc")]
sprops_yrs$year = as.numeric(substr(x=sprops_yrs$site_obsdate, 1, 4))
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
sprops_yrs$year = ifelse(sprops_yrs$year <1960, NA, ifelse(sprops_yrs$year>2024, NA, sprops_yrs$year))
ggplot(sprops_yrs, aes(x=source_db, y=year)) + geom_boxplot() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1))
#> Warning: Removed 70644 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
openair::scatterPlot(sprops_yrs[sprops_yrs$source_db %in% sel.db0,], y = "oc", x = "year", method = "hexbin",
col = "increment", type = "source_db", log.y=TRUE, ylab="SOC wprm", xlab="Sampling year")
![](025-import_chemical_data_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-74-1.png) Convert to wide format
Add layer_sequence
where missing since this is needed to be able to convert to wide
tot_sprops$dsiteid = paste(tot_sprops$source_db, tot_sprops$site_key, tot_sprops$site_obsdate, sep="_")
## Note: takes >2 mins
l.s1 <- tot_sprops[,c("dsiteid","hzn_depth")] %>% group_by(dsiteid) %>% mutate(layer_sequence.f = data.table::frank(hzn_depth, ties.method = "first"))
tot_sprops$layer_sequence.f = ifelse(is.na(tot_sprops$layer_sequence), l.s1$layer_sequence.f, tot_sprops$layer_sequence)
tot_sprops$layer_sequence.f = ifelse(tot_sprops$layer_sequence.f>6, 6, tot_sprops$layer_sequence.f)
Convert long table to wide table format so that each depth gets unique column (note: the most computational / time-consuming step usually):
tot_sprops.w = data.table::dcast( as.data.table(tot_sprops),
formula = olc_id ~ layer_sequence.f,
value.var = c("uuid", hor.names[-which(hor.names %in% c("site_key", "layer_sequence"))]),
## "labsampnum", "hzn_desgn", "tex_psda"
#fun=function(x){ mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) },
## Note: does not work for characters
fun=function(x){ x[1] },
verbose = FALSE)
## remove "0" layers added automatically but containing no values
tot_sprops.w = tot_sprops.w[,grep("*_0$", colnames(tot_sprops.w)):=NULL]
tot_sprops_w.pnts = tot_sprops.pnts
tot_sprops_w.pnts@data = plyr::join(tot_sprops.pnts@data, tot_sprops.w)
#> Joining by: olc_id
Write all soil profiles using a wide format:
sel.rm.pnts <- tot_sprops_w.pnts$source_db=="LUCAS_2009" | tot_sprops_w.pnts$source_db=="LUCAS_2015" | tot_sprops_w.pnts$site_key %in% mng.rm | tot_sprops_w.pnts$site_key %in% rem.sp
out.gpkg = "./out/gpkg/sol_chem.pnts_horizons.gpkg"
writeOGR(tot_sprops_w.pnts[!sel.rm.pnts,], "./out/gpkg/sol_chem.pnts_horizons.gpkg", "sol_chem.pnts_horizons", drive="GPKG")
} Save RDS files
Remove points that are not allowed to be distributed publicly:
sel.rm <- tot_sprops$source_db=="LUCAS_2009" | tot_sprops$source_db=="LUCAS_2015" | tot_sprops$site_key %in% mng.rm | tot_sprops$site_key %in% rem.sp
tot_sprops.s = tot_sprops[!sel.rm,]
Plot in Goode Homolozine projection and save final objects:
tot_sprops.pnts_sf <- st_as_sf(tot_sprops.pnts[1], crs=4326)
plot_gh(tot_sprops.pnts_sf, out.pdf="./img/sol_chem.pnts_sites.pdf")
## extremely slow --- takes 15mins
system("pdftoppm ./img/sol_chem.pnts_sites.pdf ./img/sol_chem.pnts_sites -png -f 1 -singlefile")
system("convert -crop 1280x575+36+114 ./img/sol_chem.pnts_sites.png ./img/sol_chem.pnts_sites.png")
![Soil profiles and soil samples with chemical and physical properties global compilation.](img/sol_chem.pnts_sites.png)
(#fig:sol_chem.pnts_sites)Soil profiles and soil samples with chemical and physical properties global compilation.
Fig. 1: Soil profiles and soil samples with chemical and physical properties global compilation.
5.5 Save final analysis-ready objects:
saveRDS.gz(tot_sprops.s, "./out/rds/sol_chem.pnts_horizons.rds")
saveRDS.gz(tot_sprops, "/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/sol_chem.pnts_horizons.rds")
saveRDS.gz(tot_sprops.pnts, "/mnt/diskstation/data/Soil_points/sol_chem.pnts_sites.rds")
#writeARFF(tot_sprops.s, "./out/arff/sol_chem.pnts_horizons.arff", overwrite = TRUE)
## compressed CSV
write.csv(tot_sprops.s, file=gzfile("./out/csv/sol_chem.pnts_horizons.csv.gz"))
## regression matrix:
#saveRDS.gz(rm.sol, "./out/rds/sol_chem.pnts_horizons_rm.rds")
Save temp object:
## rmarkdown::render("Index.rmd")